Resources Home Tab

An IT infrastructure encompasses a wide range of resources like servers, network devices, applications, storage solutions, virtualization, web services, public cloud, containers, etc.

The Resources Home Tab shows a summary of all the resources in your IT environment, allowing you to manage the performance of your infrastructure and take necessary steps to minimize downtime and service degradation for users.

Prerequisite: User should have Integration View and Device View permission to access the Resources Home Tab.

Users can:

Availability State colors

The resource availability states are indicated with colors:

Availability StateColor
UnmonitoredLight teal


The Resources Home Tab allows you to group resources in the following ways:

  • By Categories. Resources are discovered through integrations. Each integration has a resource category. Each category has one or more integrations. Click on the integration to view the resources that are discovered through that integration.
    By default, the resources are grouped by Native Type.
    Note: If native type is not available for the resource, the resource is listed as NULL native type.
  • By Resource Groups. Shows the list of resource groups. Click on a group to view the resources in that group. You can edit or remove a resource group. By default, the resources are grouped by Availability State.
  • By Resource Sites. Shows the list of sites. Click on a site to view the resources in that site. You can add, edit, or remove a site. By default, the resources are grouped by the Installed App Name.

Group resources by Metric: The top 50 and bottom 50 resources are shown for metrics (CPU, Disk, Memory) within a group or site.

See here for more information on managing resource groups and sites.

Use the search (magnifying glass) icon to search for resources at the partner or the client level.

Follow these steps to search:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search and from the Infrastructure Search page click the search (magnifying glass) icon next to the Home tab. The New View tab is displayed.

  2. The advanced search box is displayed that allows for keyword search, by default.
    To switch to basic search, click </>.

See Advanced Search for more information.

Resource Summary Slide-out

The resource summary slide-out has information about the alerts on the resource, tickets, quick resource overview, related resources, custom attributes, and the actions you can take right from the slide-out.

Follow these steps to view the resource summary slide-out:

  1. From the search results, click on the resource name.

  2. The resource summary slide-out appears.

The slide-out has the following details:

  • Alerts Statistics: The number of alerts on the resource based on their current state: Critical, Warning, OK, Info, Observed, AND All (total number of alerts).

    • Click the number against the alert state. The alerts listing page is displayed with the alert details.
      Note: The alert listing page is feature-flag based. Contact OpsRamp support to enable the feature.

  • Tickets and Notes: The number of tickets and notes associated with the resource.

  • Overview: The Overview tab has information like OS, IP Address, Make, Model, Serial Number.

  • Resource Groups: Shows the resource groups that the resource belongs to.

  • Service Groups: Shows the service groups that the resource belongs to. Clicking a service group navigates to the service maps page.

  • Traits: Information related to the resource properties like agent/gateway connectivity information, resource type.

  • You can view the Integration/App that discovered the resource in the resource slide-out.
    To view the Integration/App:

    • Click the resource. The resource slide-out appears. The Integration/App is displayed under Overview > Apps.
    • Click on the App/Integration to view the Installed Integrations page with the details.

  • Related Resources: If the resource has a relationship with other resources, then the count of those resources, along with their native types, is displayed in the Related Resources tab. Click the count to get the list of resources that are related to the resource. The tab is grayed out if there are no related resources.

  • Custom Attributes: The custom attributes tab displays the attribute name, value and the Source.

  • Actions: Use the Actions button to:

    • Assign a credential
    • Schedule maintenance period on a resource.
    • Manage and unmanage a resource.
    • Add a note.
    • Delete a resource.

  • Click on the host name to view the resource details.

  • Execute Commands (this option appears only if Agent is installed on the resource.)

  • Launch Remote Session (this option appears only if Agent/Gateway is installed on the resources. It is applicable for Classic Gateway, Windows and Linux devices.)

  • Click the horizontal (three dots) menu to view the topology details.

Add, Delete, Manage and Unmanage resources

Monitorable resources that have only agent installed and gateway discovered devices can be managed, deleted, or unmanaged. Remaining resources can only be deleted.

Note: A maximum of 40 resources/devices can be selected to perform the above actions.

Delete resource

Follow these steps to delete a resource:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.
  3. Select the resource(s) you want to delete. The number of selected resources is shown.
  4. From the Actions dropdown click Delete.
  5. The Delete Resources dialog box shows the resource(s) that are selected for deletion.
  6. Click Delete to delete the resource(s). The resource(s) are deleted and a confirmation message appears.

Manage resource

You can manage a resource that is in an inactive or unmanaged state.

Follow these steps to manage a resource:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.
  3. Search and select the resource(s) that are in the inactive state. The State column in the table shows the inactive resources.
  4. From the Actions dropdown click Manage.
  5. The Manage Resources dialog box shows the resources that are applicable for managing. It also shows the resources that are not applicable for managing. For example, if you select an active resource, it will be shown under the Non-Applicable section.
  6. Click Manage to manage the resource(s). The resource(s) are managed and a confirmation message appears.

The state of the resource(s) changes to “Active”.

Unmanage resource

You can unmanage a resource that is in an active or managed state.

Follow these steps to unmanage a resource:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.
  3. Select the resource(s) that are in the active state. The State column in the table shows the active resources.
  4. From the Actions dropdown click Unmanage.
  5. The Unmanage Resources dialog box shows the resources that are applicable for unmanaging. It also shows the resources that are not applicable for unmanaging. For example, if you select an inactive resource, it will be shown under the Non-Applicable section.
  6. Click Unmanage to unmanage the resource(s). The resource(s) are unmanaged and a confirmation message appears.

The state of the resource(s) changes to “Inactive”.

Add resources

Follow these steps to manually add resources:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.
  2. Click on the hamburger icon on the left side of the page. The My Resource Views Slide-out appears.
  3. Click on Add resource under Quick Actions.
  4. Enter the details in the Add Resource window.
  5. Click Add Resource.

Manage Resource Groups and Sites

The following table shows how to manage the resource groups and sites from the Resource Categories dropdown that is available on the left side of the page:
Note: You can perform these actions based on the permissions available to you.

View resource groupsTo view a resource group:
For Partner users:
  • Navigate to Infrastructure > Search . All the resource groups are displayed on the left pane. You can view the resource groups.
For Client users:
  1. Click Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
Search resource groupsTo search a resource group:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the search icon and type the resource group name. The search result is displayed.
  • From the three dots menu, click Collapse to collapse the resource groups.
Add resource groupsTo add a resource group:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the three dots menu and click Add Group. Provide the information in the Create Resource Group page and click Save. The resource group is created and added to the list of resource groups. You can view the resource group on the left pane.
  • A Partner or a client user with permission to manage devices can create a group.
  • See Groups for more information on creating a resource group.
Add resource subgroupsTo add a resource subgroup:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a resource group and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Add Subgroup. Provide the information in the Create Resource Group page and click Save. The resource subgroup is created and appears under the parent resource group. Click the down arrow to view the subgroup that is created.
Note: You can create a subgroup for a child resource group too.
Edit resource groupsTo edit a resource group or a subgroup:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a resource group or a subgroup and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Edit. Do the necessary changes in the Update Resource Group page and click Save. The resource group is updated.
Remove resource groupsTo remove a resource group or a subgroup:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a resource group or a subgroup and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Remove. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  5. Click Remove to remove the resource group permanently.
  • A Partner or a client user with permission to manage devices can delete a resource group.
  • If you remove a resource group and if there are any child groups under it, all the child groups will also be removed. Any resources assigned to this group (and its subgroup(s), if any) will remain intact and will not be deleted.
Create schedule maintenance on a resource groupTo create a schedule maintenance on a resource group or a subgroup:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a resource group or a subgroup and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Schedule Maintenance. The Assign Resources form is displayed.
  5. Provide the details in the form:
    The Specific Resources option is selected by default.
    Select the All Resources option, if you want to create a scheduled maintenance for all the resources in the client.
  6. Select the resources from the Manually Assign Resources dropdown.
    The maximum number of resources you can select is 50.
    You can also click Advanced Search from the dropdown and build a query to search for resources.
  7. The resource group for which you want to create a scheduled maintenance is selected in the Resource Groups field. You can select other resource groups from the list.
  8. Select the site(s) from the Sites dropdown.
  9. From the Maintenance Window Details section, fill in the details like the maintenance window name, description, Schedule (one time, daily, weekly, monthly) and select the appropriate option(s) under Settings.
  10. Click the Add Maintenance Window button. The maintenance window is created for the resources.
View LogsTo view logs:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Groups. All the resource groups under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the three dots menu and click View Logs. All the success logs for the last seven days are displayed, by default.
    Use the calendar to select the time range.
    Use the dropdown to view Failure logs or Info logs.
  4. Click on the log to view the log details.
Note: The logs are generated based on the rules. If resources are added manually, then the logs do not appear.
View sitesTo view a site:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  • A Partner or a client user with permission to manage devices can view Site details.
  • Public cloud sites appear by default in the list of site details when a public cloud is integrated.
Search sitesTo search a site:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the search icon and type the site name. The search result is displayed.
  • From the three dots menu, click Collapse to collapse the sites.
Add sitesTo add a site:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the three dots menu and click Add Site.
  4. Provide the information on the New Site page and click Save. The site is created and added to the list of sites. You can view the site on the left pane.
  • A Partner or a client user with permission to manage devices can create a Site.
  • See Sites for more information on creating a site.
Add SubsitesTo add a subsite:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a site and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Add Subsite. Provide the information on the New Site page and click Save. The subsite is created and appears under the parent site. Click the down arrow to view the subsite that is created.
Note: You can create a subsite for a child site too.
Edit sitesTo edit a site or a subsite:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a site or a subsite and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Edit. Do the necessary changes in the Edit Site page and click Save. The site is updated.
Note: You cannot edit a public cloud site.
Remove sitesTo remove a site or a subsite:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over a site or a subsite and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Remove. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  5. Click Remove to remove the site permanently.
  • A Partner or a client user with permission to manage devices can delete a Site.
  • If you remove a site and if there are any child sites under it, all the child sites will also be removed. Any resources assigned to this site (and its subsite(s), if any) will remain intact and will not be deleted.
  • You cannot delete a public cloud site.
Create schedule maintenance on a site.To create a schedule maintenance on a site or a subsite:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Mouse hover over the site or subsite and click the three dots menu.
  4. Click Schedule Maintenance. The Assign Resources form is displayed.
  5. Provide the details in the form:
    The Specific Resources option is selected by default.
    Select the All Resources option, if you want to create a scheduled maintenance for all the resources in the client.
  6. Select the resources from the Manually Assign Resources dropdown.
    The maximum number of resources you can select is 50.
    You can also click Advanced Search from the dropdown and build a query to search for resources.
  7. Select the resource group(s) from the Resource Groups dropdown.
  8. The site for which you want to create a scheduled maintenance is selected in the Sites field. You can select other sites from the list.
  9. From the Maintenance Window Details section, fill the details like the maintenance window name, description, Schedule (one time, daily, weekly, monthly) and select the appropriate option(s) under Settings.
  10. Click the Add Maintenance Window button. The maintenance window is created for the resources.
View LogsTo view logs:
  1. Click the Resource Categories dropdown available on the left pane.
  2. Click Sites. All the sites under the client are displayed.
  3. Click the three dots menu and click View Logs. All the success logs for the last seven days are displayed, by default.
    Use the calendar to select the time range.
    Use the dropdown to view Failure logs or Info logs.
  4. Click on the log to view the log details.
Note: The logs are generated based on the rules. If resources are added manually, then the logs do not appear.


The Export functionality lets you export the search response as a report.

Prerequisite: User should have Manage Report and View Integrations permissions to export.

To export a search response:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.

  2. Navigate to the Infrastructure > Search page.

  3. Use the search option to search for resources using a query. The Search results are displayed.

  4. Click the Export icon available next to the Filters option.

    Note: A message appears asking the user to install the app, if it is not already installed. Click Install App. The Reporting Apps Overview page is displayed to install the app.

    Infrastructure Search - export option

    If the app is already installed, the page is redirected to the Asset Inventory app screen.

    The configuration properties in the Asset Inventory app are auto-filled with the filter criteria that was provided for the global search.

    The report generation process is initiated. The progress depends on the data and the configuration parameters.

    Similarly, you can export search response from the Resources Home Tab.

See Asset Inventory for more information.

Actions on search result

You can select one or more resources and perform the following actions:

Assign a credential

You can assign multiple credentials to one or multiple resources.

Prerequisite: User should have Manage_Device and Credentials_Manage permissions to perform this action.

Follow these steps to add credential(s):

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).
  3. From the Actions menu, select Assign Credential.
  4. From the Assign Credential popup that shows the selected resources, select the credential(s) from the list of credentials that are available under the client.
    Note: You can select up to five credentials at a time.
    You can also click the Manage Credentials link to add a credential.
  5. Click the Assign Credential button to assign the credential(s) to the resource(s).
    Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 50 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of selected resources exceeds the limit. You can deselect the resources from the list box.
  • You can also use the resource slide-out to assign credentials to a resource:
    1. Once you have searched for resources using step#2 above, you can use the filter criteria or the search box to search for the specific resource.
    2. Click anywhere on the search result.
    3. From the resource slide-out, click Actions > Assign Credential.
    4. Follow steps 4 to 5 above. The credential(s) are assigned to the resource, and a success message appears.

Assign custom attribute

You can assign custom attribute to one or multiple resources.

Prerequisite: You should have Manage_Device and Custom_Attributes_Manage permissions to perform this action.

Follow these steps to assign custom attribute to multiple resources:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.

  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).

    Infrastructure Search - Assign Custom attributes
  3. From the Actions menu, select Assign Custom Attribute.

  4. From the Assign Custom Attribute popup that shows the selected resources, select the custom attribute name and the value from the Name and Value drop-down lists respectively.

  5. Click the ASSIGN CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE button to assign the custom attribute to the resource(s). A success message appears.
    Note: The maximum number of resources you can select at a time is 20.
    A message appears if the number of selected resources exceeds the limit. You can deselect the resources from the list box.

  • You can also use the resource slide-out to assign custom attribute to a resource:
    1. Once you have searched for resources using step#2 above, you can use the filter criteria or the search box to search for the specific resource.
    2. Click anywhere on the search result.
    3. From the resource slide-out, click Actions > Assign Custom Attribute.
    4. Follow steps 4 to 5 above. The custom attribute is assigned to the resource, and a success message appears.

Schedule a maintenance period

You can schedule a maintenance period on one or multiple resources.

Follow these steps to schedule a maintenance period:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).
  3. From the Actions menu, select Schedule Maintenance.
  4. From the Schedule Maintenance popup, enter the required information and click Schedule.
    Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 20 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

Add a note

You can add a note to one or multiple resources.

Follow these steps to add a note:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).
  3. From the Actions menu, select Add Note.
  4. From the Add Note popup that shows the selected resources, enter the subject for the note and the description.
  5. Set the validity for the note from the calendar.
  6. Click the Add Note button to add the note.
    Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 50 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

Execute command

You can execute a command on one or multiple resources.

Follow these steps to execute a command:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).
  3. From the Actions menu, select Execute Command.
  4. From the Execute Command popup, enter the required information and click Execute Command.
    Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 20 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

Delete Resources

Follow these steps to delete resource(s):

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. From the Infrastructure search page, search for the resource(s) (from resource categories, resource groups, sites, or query) and use the checkboxes to select the resource(s).
  3. From the Actions menu, select Delete.
  4. From the Delete Resources popup, click Delete.
    Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 40 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

Manage Resources

You can manage resource(s) that are in an inactive or unmanaged state.

Follow these steps to manage a resource:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. Search and select the resource(s) that are in the inactive state. The State column in the table shows the inactive resources.
  3. From the Actions dropdown click Manage.
  4. The Manage Resources dialog box shows the resources that are applicable for managing. It also shows the resources that are not applicable for managing. For example, if you select an active resource, it will be shown under the Non-Applicable section.
  5. Click Manage to manage the resource(s). The resource(s) are managed and a confirmation message appears. Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 40 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

Unmanage Resources

You can unmanage resource(s) that are in an active or managed state.

Follow these steps to unmanage a resource:

  1. Click Infrastructure > Search.
  2. Select the resource(s) that are in the active state. The State column in the table shows the active resources.
  3. From the Actions dropdown click Unmanage.
  4. The Unmanage Resources dialog box shows the resources that are applicable for unmanaging. It also shows the resources that are not applicable for unmanaging. For example, if you select an inactive resource, it will be shown under the Non-Applicable section.
  5. Click Unmanage to unmanage the resource(s). The resource(s) are unmanaged and a confirmation message appears. Note: The maximum resources that you can select is 40 at a time.
    A message appears if the number of resources that are selected increases the limit.
    You can deselect the resources from the list box.

The related resources are a group of resources that are related to a particular resource. For the resources to be related to each other, they should meet one of the following conditions:

  • runsOn: Indicates that a resource is running on another resource. For example, an application that is running on a server that is in the process of getting discovered.
  • connectedTo: Indicates that a resource is connected to another resource. For example, a port that is connected to a switch.
  • dependsOn: Indicates that one resource needs another resource to exist. For example, an ESXi host cannot exist without a vCenter.
  • componentOf: Indicates that one resource is a component of a group of resources. For example, a number of VMs that belong to a cluster. Each VM is a component of the cluster.

Concept of relationship

The following example demonstrates the concept of relationship among the resources:

There are three resources, namely Resource 1, Resource 2, and Resource 3.

  • If Resource 2 is connected (meets one of the four conditions of related resources) to Resource 1, it indicates that Resource 2 is related to Resource 1.
  • If Resource 3 is connected (meets one of the four conditions of related resources) to Resource 1, it indicates that Resource 3 is related to Resource 1.

The above example can be summarized in the following way:

  • Resource 2 and 3 are in a relationship with Resource 1.
  • Resource 2 and 3 are the related resources of Resource 1.

The Related Resources tab displays the number of related resources for a selected resource. It also displays the native type of the resources connected to the main resource.

For example: Main = Resource 1, native type = host
Related resources = Resources 2 and 3, native type = vm
The main resource displays the native type as vm and the associated count as 2.

The following conditions are a must for a resource to display the related resources count:

  • The Native Type attribute for the resource (1, according to the example) that shows the count must be defined.
  • One or more resources (2 and 3, according to the example) must be in a relationship with the resource (1).

The related resources will not be displayed under the following conditions:

Native Type AttributeRelationshipResult
DefinedResources not related
  • Related Resources tab is grayed out
  • Count is not displayed
Not definedRelated
  • Unknown is displayed as the native type
  • Count is displayed

To view the Related Resources tab, log in to OpsRamp.

  1. From All Clients, select a client.

  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.

  3. You can select a resource under a category/App and click.

  4. Alternatively, click the search icon to look for a specific resource.
    The NEW VIEW tab is displayed.

  5. Click +Query and search for the resource(s) using a query. From the list of resources displayed, click the target resource.

    A slide-out screen that contains the RELATED RESOURCES tab and the following information is displayed:

    • Native types (Switch and Port as seen in the illustration) of the resources that are related to the main resource.
    • Associated count (4 switches and 384 ports as seen in the illustration) of native types.
    Related Resources Tab Overview
  6. Click the count of any category resources.
    A new tab that contains a query with the native type of the resource and topology UUID is displayed. The list of resources of the selected category are also displayed.

    Related Resources Count Display