Cisco VPN RAS Session Statistics


Template to monitor Cisco RAS (Remote Access Service) session statistics like email,ipsec,lan-lan,load balancing,ssl vpn client,web vpn,currently active sessions and ssl active sessions.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Altiga - SSL Active Active SessionsIt monitors the Altiga SSL Active Sessions alSslStatsActiveSessions-
Cisco VPN RAS Activity and Email Proxy SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active Email proxy sessions [crasEmailNumSessions-]
cisco.ras.ipsec.sessionsActive IPSec SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active IPSec sessions [crasIPSecNumSessions-]
cisco.ras.ssl.vpn.client.sessionsActive SSL VPN Client SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active SVC sessions [crasSVCNumSessions-]
cisco.ras.sessionsActive RAS SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active sessions [crasNumSessions-]
cisco.ras.web.vpn.sessionsActive WebVPN SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active Webvpn sessions [crasWebvpnNumSessions-] L2L SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active LAN to LAN sessions [crasL2LNumSessions-]
cisco.ras.load.balancing.sessionsActive Load Balancing SessionsIt monitors the number of currently active Load Balancing sessions [crasLBNumSessions-]

Cisco - FC Switch Port Errors Dynamic - Ext


It monitors the Cisco FC Switch Port parameters like BB Credit Transition From Zero,BB Credit Transition To Zero,Credit Loss,Credits Unavailable,Invalid CRCs,Invalid Tx Words,Link Failures,Link Reset Ins,Link Reset Outs,Out Discards,Signal Losses,Sync Losses,Timeout Discards,Wait Count,Slow Port Count,Slow Port Operational Delay,Operational Status Cause.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco - FC Switch Port Errors Dynamic - Extcisco_fc_invalidcrcsInvalid CRCscountIt monitors the delta of invalid CRCs detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current poll CRCs count - Previous poll CRCs count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfInvalidCrcs:].
cisco_fc_bb_credit_transition_tozeroBB Credit Transition To ZerocountIt monitors the BB credit transition to zero increments if the receive b2b credit is zero.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfBBCreditTransistionToZero:].
cisco_fc_signallossesSignal LossescountIt monitors the delta of signal losses detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current poll signal losses count - Previous poll signal losses count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfSigLosses;].
cisco_fc_bb_credit_transition_fromzeroBB Credit Transition From ZerocountIt monitors the BB credit transition from zero increments if the transmit b2b credit is zero.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfBBCreditTransistionFromZero:].
cisco_fc_invalidtxwordsInvalid Tx WordscountIt monitors the delta of invalid transmission words detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current Poll Invalid Transmission words count - Previous poll Invalid Transmission words count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfInvalidTxWords:].
cisco_fc_slow_port_operationaldelaySlow Port Operational DelaycountIt monitors the maximum operational credit delay experienced by the port at any given time. This object is an absolute value and resets to zero when the slowport condition disappears.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfSlowPortOperDelay:].
cisco_fc_creditlossCredit LosscountIt monitors the number of link reset has occurred due to unavailable credits from the peer side of the link.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfCreditLoss:].
cisco_fc_outdiscardsOut DiscardscountIt monitors the delta of packets that are discarded in the egress side of the FC-port. Delta = Current poll out discards count - Previous poll out discards count[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfOutDiscards:].
cisco_fc_synclosesSync LossescountIt monitors the delta of loss of synchronization failures detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current poll Sync losses count - Previous poll Sync losses count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfSyncLosses:].
cisco_fc_operational_status_causeCisco FC Operational Status CauseCisco FC Operational Status Cause
cisco_fc_link_resetinsLink Reset InscountIt monitors the delta of link reset protocol errors received by the FC-Port from the attached FC-port. Delta = Current poll link reset protocol errors received count - Previous poll link reset protocol errors received count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfLinkResetIns:].
cisco_fc_waitcountWait CountcountIt monitors the delta of times the FC-port waited due to lack of transmit credits. Delta = Current poll Wait count - Previous poll Wait count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfTxWaitCount:].
cisco_fc_linkfailuresLink FailurescountIt monitors the delta of link failures detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current poll Link failures count - Previous poll Link failures count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfLinkFailures:].
cisco_fc_timeoutdiscardsTimeout DiscardscountIt monitors the delta of packets that are dropped due to time-out at the FC-port or due to the FC-port going offline. Delta = Current poll Timeout Discards count - Previous poll Timeout Discards count [fcIfTimeOutDiscards:].
cisco_fc_slow_portcountSlow Port CountcountIt monitors the delta of times slowport event(transmit credits not available) condition detected for the timeout value configured. Delta = Current poll slow port count - Previous poll slow port count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfSlowPortCount:].
cisco_fc_link_resetoutsLink Reset OutscountIt monitors the delta of link reset protocol errors issued by the FC-Port to the attached FC-Port.Delta = Current poll link reset protocol errors issued count - Previous poll link reset protocol errors issued count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfLinkResetOuts:].
cisco_fc_creditsunavailableCredits UnavailablecountIt monitors the fcIfTxWtAvgBBCreditTransitionToZero increments if the credit available is zero for 100 ms.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfTxWtAvgBBCreditTransitionToZero:].

Cisco - Interface - CRC and Error Due To Collision Detection - G2


This template can be applied on Cisco devices with interfaces. Monitors packet loss due to cyclic redundancy checks and collision detection.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Interface CRC Errors and Collision Detectionspacket.loss.cdPacket Loss due to CDGives the number of output collisions detected on this interface.[OIDs:,]
packet.loss.crcPacket Loss due to CRCProvides the number of input packets which had cyclic redundancy checksum errors.[OIDs:,]

Cisco - Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Monitors


Template for Cisco Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Monitors CPU 5 minutes,License status,health sensor monitors,etc. Can be applied on Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). This template can also be called as Cisco IPS template.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilizationcisco.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%CPU utilization is a key performance metric. It is the percentage of time the processor spends doing work (as opposed to being idle). It can be used to track CPU performance regressions or improvements and is a useful data point for performance problem investigations.[OIDs:]
CISCO IDS - Disk Security Monitor Partition Space Utilisation (%)%It monitors CISCO Intrusion Detection System(Sensor) disk utilisation.[OID:,]
CISCO IDS - Health Security Monitor License StatusThis object indicates IPS license status along with expiration date. For example it will contain the following possible values: -signatureUpdateKey: Not expired until: - trialKey: Not expired until: - expiredLicense - noLicense - invalidLicense - unknown. The timestamp will be in the format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS [OID:] Packet Loss%Provides the percentage of packets lost at the device interface level.[OID:] Packet Denial Rate%Provides the percentage of packets denied due to protocol and security violations.[OID:] Alarms GeneratedProvides the number of alarms generated,includes all currently defined alarm severities.[OID:] Is Sensor Memory CriticalThis gives value between 0 and 10 that should rarely get above 3. If this is non-zero the sensor has stopped enforcing policy on some traffic in order to keep up with the current traffic load; the sensor is oversubscribed. The higher the number the more oversubscribed the sensor. It could be oversubscribed from a memory prospective and not traffic speed. For example on a 200 Mbit sensor this number might be 3 if the sensor was only seeing 100Mbit of traffic but 6000 connections per second which is over the rated capacity of the sensor. When the sensor is in Memory Critical state then a ciscoCidsError trap will be sent accordingly.[OID:] Is Sensor ActiveIndicates the fail over status of the device. True indicates the device is currently active. False indicates it is in a standby mode. Possible status values are 1- True,2- False. Alert is generated when the current status is different from previous.[OID:] Security Monitor AvailabilityProvides the Cisco IDS health security monitor. This object indicates the availability of health and security monitor statistics. If the IPS health and security monitoring service is disabled,it will return false. Possible status values are 1- True,2- False.[OID:] Security Monitor Overall HealthThis object indicates IPS sensor's overall health value - green,yellow or red. The overall health status is set to the highest severity of all metrics that are configured to be applied to the IPS's health determination. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to 'true'.[OID:] Security Monitor Main Application StatusThis object indicates the running status for the control plane. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to 'true'.[OID:] Security Monitor Analysis Engine StatusProvides the object indicates the running status for the Analysis Engine. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to true. Possible status values are: 1: notResponding(1),2: notRunning(2),3: processingTransaction(3),4: reconfiguring(4),5: running(5),6: starting(6),7: stopping(7),8: unknown(8),9: upgradeInprogress(9) [OID:] Security Monitor Collaboration Application StatusProvides the object indicates the running status for the collaboration application. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to true. Possible status values are: 1: notResponding(1),2: notRunning(2),3: processingTransaction(3),4: reconfiguring(4),5: running(5),6: starting(6),7: stopping(7),8: unknown(8),9: upgradeInprogress(9) [OID:] Security Monitor Analysis Engine Memory Percent%This object indicates the percentage of memory used by Analysis Engine. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to 'true'.[OID:] Security Monitor Sensor Load%This object indicates sensor inspection load. This object is instantiated only if the value of cidsHealthSecMonAvailability is set to true.[OID:]
CISCO IDS - Virtual Sensor Security Monitor Virtual Sensor StatusThis object represents the virtual sensor network status level. Possible color ratings 1-Green : Everything is fine 2-Yellow : There may be issues occuring on the attached network. 3. Red : the network needs attention as problems are detected and network security is critical.[OID:]
Cisco Memory Utilization - CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIBcisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%It monitors the memory utilization of each memory pool except lsmpi_io memory pool.[OIDs: cempMemPoolUsed -,cempMemPoolFree -]

Cisco - IpSec and IKE Tunnel Level Traffic - 32 bit


It monitors the IpSec and IKE traffic for each tunnel. All the oids in this templates are 32 bit oids.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco IKE Tunnel Traffic 32 IKE Tunnel In OctetsbpsThe total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.[OID:]
cisco.ike.out.octets.phase1Cisco IKE Tunnel Out OctetsbpsThe total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.[OID:]
Cisco IpSec Tunnel Traffic 32 IpSec Tunnel In OctetsbpsThe total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.[OID:]
cisco.ipsec.out.octets.phase2Cisco IpSec Tunnel Out OctetsbpsThe total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.[OID:]

Cisco - IpSec and IKE Tunnel Level Traffic - 64 bit


It monitors IpSec and IKE traffic for each tunnel. Few 64 bit oids are using in this template to monitor IpSec tunnels.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco IKE Tunnel Traffic 32 IKE Tunnel In OctetsbpsThe total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.[OID:]
cisco.ike.out.octets.phase1Cisco IKE Tunnel Out OctetsbpsThe total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.[OID:]
Cisco IpSec Tunnel Traffic 64 IpSec Tunnel In OctetsbpsA high capacity count of the total number of octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.[OID:]
cisco.ipsec.out.octets.phase2Cisco IpSec Tunnel Out OctetsbpsA high capacity count of the total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.[OID:]

Cisco ASA Appliance - System Performance


Monitors the parameters like CPU utilization,Memory utilization of cisco ASA appliance.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilizationcisco.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%CPU utilization is a key performance metric. It is the percentage of time the processor spends doing work (as opposed to being idle). It can be used to track CPU performance regressions or improvements and is a useful data point for performance problem investigations.[OIDs:]
Cisco Memory Utilization - CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIBcisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%It monitors the memory utilization of each memory pool except lsmpi_io memory pool.[OIDs: cempMemPoolUsed -,cempMemPoolFree -]

Cisco BGP Peer Prefix Stats


Monitors Cisco BGP Peer2 prefix statistics like Accepted Prefixes,Denied Prefixes,Advertised Prefixes,Suppressed Prefixes and Withdrawn Prefixes.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB]


Device should support CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2AddrFamilyPrefixTable OIDs

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco BGP Peer2 Prefix Statisticscisco.bgp.accepted.prefixesAccepted PrefixesIt represents the number of accepted route prefixes on this connection,which belong to an address family.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2AcceptedPrefixes -]
cisco.bgp.denied.prefixesDenied PrefixesThis counter is incremented when a route prefix,which belongs to an address family,received on this connection is denied. It is initialized to zero when the connection is undergone a hard reset.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2DeniedPrefixes -]
cisco.bgp.advertised.prefixesAdvertised PrefixesThis counter is incremented when a route prefix,which belongs to an address family is advertised on this connection. It is initialized to zero when the connection is undergone a hard reset.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2AdvertisedPrefixes -]
cisco.bgp.suppressed.prefixesSuppressed PrefixesThis counter is incremented when a route prefix,which belongs to an address family is suppressed from being sent on this connection. It is initialized to zero when the connection is undergone a hard reset.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2SuppressedPrefixes -]
cisco.bgp.withdrawn.prefixesWithdrawn PrefixesThis counter is incremented when a route prefix,which belongs to an address family,is withdrawn on this connection. It is initialized to zero when the connection is undergone a hard reset.[CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2WithdrawnPrefixes -]

Cisco Buffer Usage Statistics - G2


Monitors the hits,misses and failures for small,big,medium,large and huge buffers.


To effectively monitor Cisco Nexus Buffer Statistics, it’s essential to configure Active Buffer Monitoring. Below are detailed guides to help you with the configuration:

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Buffer Usage Statisticssmall.buffer.hit.rateSmall Buffer Hit RatepsecHit rate is the number of times buffers were successfully allocated from the free list. Small buffer size is around 104 bytes each.[OD:]
small.buffer.miss.rateSmall Buffer Miss RatepsecMiss rate is the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers are available in the free list,or when there are fewer than min buffers in the free list. Small buffer size is around 104 bytes each.[OD:]
small.buffer.miss.percentSmall Buffer Misses%It represents the percentage of Small buffer misses with respect to the hit rate and miss rate.
medium.buffer.hit.rateMedium Buffer Hit RatepsecHit rate is the number of times buffers were successfully allocated from the free list. Medium buffer size is around 600 bytes each.[OID:]
medium.buffer.miss.rateMedium Buffer Miss RatepsecMiss rate is the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers are available in the free list,or when there are fewer than min buffers in the free list. Medium buffer size is around 600 bytes each.[OID:]
medium.buffer.miss.percentMedium Buffer Misses Percent%It represents the percentage of Medium buffer misses with respect to the hit rate and miss rate.
big.buffer.hit.rateBig Buffer Hit RatepsecHit rate is the number of times buffers were successfully allocated from the free list. Big buffer size is around 1524 bytes each.[OID:]
big.buffer.miss.rateBig Buffer Miss RatepsecMiss rate is the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers are available in the free list,or when there are fewer than min buffers in the free list. Big buffer size is around 1524 bytes each.[OID:]
big.buffer.miss.percentBig Buffer Misses Percent%It represents the percentage of Big buffer misses with respect to the hit rate and miss rate.
large.buffer.hit.rateLarge Buffer Hit RatepsecHit rate is the number of times buffers were successfully allocated from the free list.Large buffer size is around 5024 bytes each.[OID:]
large.buffer.miss.rateLarge Buffer Miss RatepsecMiss rate is the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers are available in the free list,or when there are fewer than min buffers in the free list. Large buffer size is around 5024 bytes each.[OID:]
large.buffer.miss.percentLarge Buffer Misses Percent%It represents the percentage of Large buffer misses with respect to the hit rate and miss rate.
huge.buffer.hit.rateHuge Buffer Hit RatepsecHit rate is the number of times buffers were successfully allocated from the free list.Huge buffer size is around 18024 bytes each.[OID:]
huge.buffer.miss.rateHuge Buffer Miss RatepsecMiss rate is the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers are available in the free list,or when there are fewer than min buffers in the free list. Huge buffer size is around 18024 bytes each.[OID:]
huge.buffer.miss.percentHuge Buffer Misses Percent%It represents the percentage of Huge buffer misses with respect to the hit rate and miss rate.
buffer.alloc.failsBuffer Allocation FailurespsecBuffer Failures - The number of failures to grant a buffer to a requester under interrupt time (remember that the router can create new buffers at process switching level,so "failure" does not occur unless there is "no memory"). The number of "failures" represents the number of packets that have been dropped due to buffer shortage.[OID:]
buffer.creation.failsBuffer Creation FailspsecMonitors rate of buffer create failures due to no free memory.

Cisco Buffer Usage Statistics Using Enhanced Memory MIB - G2


Monitors the Cisco buffer statistics such as memory buffer hit rate,miss rate and utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Buffer Usage Stats - ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIBcicso.membuffer.hit.rateMemory Buffer Hit RatepsecMonitors the rate at which the number of buffers successfully allocated from the buffer pool.[OIDs:,]
cicso.membuffer.miss.rateMemory Buffer Miss RatepsecMonitors the rate at which the number of times a buffer has been requested,but no buffers were available in the buffer pool,or when there were fewer than min buffers in the buffer pool.[OIDs:,]
cicso.membuffer.utilizationMemory Buffer Utilization%Monitors the memory buffer pool utilization.[OIDs:,,]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Campaign Manager


Template to monitor Unified CC Campaign Manager component statistics like Campaign Manager Db Utilization,Campaign Manager Queue Depth,Campaign Manager Avg Queue Time and Campaign Manager Active Dialers.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s cccaCampaignMgrTable OIDs

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Campaign Managercisco.cca.campaign.mgr.db.utilizationCampaign Mgr Db Utilization%The campaign manager and Import processes share a private database on the Side A Logger. The campaign manager database utilization object shows what percentage of allocated space in the database is currently utilized. An administrator should monitor this object when its value exceeds 80 percent.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCampaignMgrDbUtilization -]
cisco.cca.campaign.mgr.queue.depthCampaign Mgr Queue DepthThe campaign manager is a multithreaded process. One main dispatch thread is involved in most processing. The queue depth object indicates how many messages are queued to this internal dispatch thread. By default,the campaign manager deliberately restarts when this value exceeds 10,000 messages in queue as a self-defense mechanism; the administrator must then investigate the reason for this performance bottleneck.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCampaignMgrQueueDepth -]
cisco.cca.campaign.mgr.avg.queue.timeCampaign Mgr Avg Queue TimemsThe campaign manager is a multithreaded process; however,there is one main dispatch thread that is involved in most message processing. The average queue time object shows the average amount of time a message spends in the main dispatch thread queue awaiting processing (in milliseconds).[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCampaignMgrAvgQueueTime -] Mgr Active DialersThe campaign manager process feeds several Dialer components which manage the dialing of customers for outbound campaigns. The active Dialers counter indicates how many Dialers are currently registered to this campaign manager.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCampaignMgrActiveDialers -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Component and Element Status


Template to monitor enterprise contact center application functional component and to monitor status of a system process or service that is a necessary element of an enterprise contact center application functional component.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB OIDs like cccaComponentStatus,,cccaComponentElmtStatus,

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Component Element Statuscisco.cca.component.element.statusComponent Element StatusThe component element status is the last known status of a system process or service that is a necessary element of an enterprise contact center application functional component. The status value shown is the result of evaluating the current run status of services and processes associated with the functional component. 1) 'unknown' - The status of the functional component cannot be determined. 2) 'disabled' - The functional component has been explicitly disabled by an administrator. 3) 'stopped' - The functional component is stopped. The component may be dysfunctional or impaired. 4) 'started' - The functional component has been started. 5) 'active' - The functional component has been started,is currently running and,where appropriate,is the active side of a fault tolerant component duplex pair. 6) 'standby' - The functional component has been started,is currently running and is the 'hot-standby' side of a fault tolerant duplex pair. 7) 'disconnected' - The component is unexpectedly disconnected from a dependent component or service. 8) 'uninitialized' - The component has not yet completed its initialization process. 9) 'notRoutable' - The component is currently unable to make routing decisions.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaComponentElmtName -,cccaComponentElmtStatus -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Component Statuscisco.cca.component.statusComponent StatusThe component status is the last known status of the enterprise contact center application functional component. The value shown is the result of evaluating the current run status of services and processes associated with the functional component. 1) 'unknown' - The status of the functional component cannot be determined. 2) 'disabled' - The functional component has been explicitly disabled by an administrator. 3) 'stopped' - The functional component is stopped. The component may be dysfunctional or impaired. 4) 'started' - The functional component has been started. 5) 'active' - The functional component has been started,is currently running and,where appropriate,is the active side of a fault tolerant component duplex pair. 6) 'standby' - The functional component has been started,is currently running and is the 'hot-standby' side of a fault tolerant duplex pair. 7) 'disconnected' - The component is unexpectedly disconnected from a dependent component or service. 8) 'uninitialized' - The component has not yet completed its initialization process. 9) 'notRoutable' - The component is currently unable to make routing decisions.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaComponentName -,cccaComponentStatus -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - CTI Gateway (CGs)


Template to monitor Unified ICM/Unified CC components like CTI Gateways (CGs) open sessions and other sessions.


Device should support CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s objects like cccaCgOpenSessions,,cccaCgOtherSessions,

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - CTI Gateway (CG) Open SessionsThe CG open sessions object indicates the number of sessions (connections) that were established between the CTI Gateway and CTI clients. These are active sessions that are functioning normally.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCgOpenSessions -] gateway (CG) Other SessionsThe CG other sessions objects indicates the total number of sessions (connections) between the CTI Gateway and CTI clients that are not normal,open/active sessions. This includes sessions that are 'opening' (not yet established and initialized),session that are 'closing' (connections being torn down) as well as sessions that are in an 'unknown' state and sessions that have failed. While this object value fluctuates from time to time,it stabilizes during normal operation. A steadily increasing value indicates a problem that should be investigated.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCgOtherSessions -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - CTI Object Servers (CTI OS)


Template to monitor Unified CC computer telephony integration object server (CTI OS) component statistics like ActiveClients,ActiveMonitors,CallsInProgress and CallsFailed.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s cccaCtiOsTable OIDs

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - CTI OS Active ClientsThe active clients object holds the number of CTI OS active client mode desktop connections. This value indicates the total number of desktops connected to the CTI OS server. The number of desktops connected to the A and B side of CTI OS determine the total desktops connected through this instance of CTI OS server.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCtiOsActiveClients -] OS Active MonitorsThe active monitors object holds the number of CTI OS active monitor mode desktop connections. CTI OS only supports two monitor mode connections per each CTI OS server. This value indicates how many monitor mode connections are in use. After there are two in use further monitor mode connection attempts are rejected.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCtiOsActiveMonitors -] OS Calls In ProgressThe calls in progress object indicate the total number of active calls being tracked by CTI OS. This value shows how many calls are currently being handled by CTI OS. This value should go up and down based on the call arrival rate and the agent call completion rate.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCtiOsCallsInProgress -]
cisco.cca.cti.os.calls.failedCTI OS Calls FailedThe calls failed object holds the total number of calls that failed via a failure event being reported to CTI OS. If this count begins to rise,the log file should be captured to gather more specific information about the failure events.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaCtiOsCallsFailed -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Dialer


Template to monitor Unified ICM/Unified CC Outbound Option Dialers component.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s cccaDialerTable OIDs.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Dialer Campaign Manager Statuscisco.cca.dialer.campaign.mgr.statusDialer Campaign Mgr StatusThe Dialer campaign manager status indicates the current connection status between this Dialer and the Outbound Option Campaign Manager component,which is coresident with the Logger (side A).[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerCampaignMgrStatus -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Dialer Performancecisco.cca.dialer.queue.depthDialer Queue DepthThe Dialer is a multi threaded process that communicates between threads using inter-thread messaging. The queue depth object indicates how many messages are currently queued for the main dispatch thread. When this object is used in combination with the average queue time object,message processing performance can be gauged. By default,the Dialer process deliberately restarts when this value exceeds 10,000 messages.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerQueueDepth -]
cisco.cca.dialer.avg.queue.timeDialer Avg Queue TimemsThe Dialer is a multithreaded process that communicates between threads using messaging. One main dispatch thread is involved in most message processing. The average queue time shows the average amount of time (in milliseconds) that a message spent in the queue before being de-queued processing. When this object used in combination with the queue depth object,message processing performance can be gauged.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerAvgQueueTime -]
cisco.cca.dialer.talking.agentsDialer Talking AgentsFor an agent campaign,the Dialer places calls to customers and transfers those customer calls to agents. The talking agents object indicates how many agents are currently talking in the monitored campaign skill group.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerTalkingAgents -] Call Attempts Per SecondpsecThe call attempts per second object tracks how many calls the Dialer is placing per second,rounded to the nearest integer. If the dialing rate is too high,it can result in network congestion on the voice network,which can result in inefficient dialing.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerCallAttemptsPerSec -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Dialer Portscisco.cca.dialer.busy.customer.portsDialer Busy Customer PortsThe Dialer busy customer ports object is a count of the number of ports currently in use for customer calls. The port is the unit on the Dialer that places calls to reserve agents and to contact customers.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerBusyCustomerPorts -]
cisco.cca.dialer.busy.reservation.portsDialer Busy Reservation PortsThe Dialer busy reservation ports object tracks how many ports are currently busy reserving agents. The port is the unit on the Dialer that places calls to reserve agents and to contact customers.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerBusyReservationPorts -]
cisco.cca.dialer.idle.portsDialer Idle PortsThe Dialer idle ports object is a count of the number of ports that are currently idle,for example,there are no calls to customers or to agents using these ports and they are available to the Dialer for placing new calls.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerIdlePorts -]
cisco.cca.dialer.blocked.portsDialer Blocked PortsThe Dialer blocked ports object is a count of the number of ports that are currently unusable for placing calls. A blocked port may be an impaired or inoperable port or one that has a ���stuck��� call that was not dropped. A ���stuck��� call is a call that is identified by the application as exceeding a duration threshold.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerBlockedPorts -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Dialer Statuscisco.cca.dialer.cti.server.statusDialer CTI Server StatusThe Dialer CTI server status indicates the current connection status between this Dialer and the active CTI server component.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerCtiServerStatus -] Media Router StatusThe Dialer media Router status indicates the current connection status between this Dialer and the Media Routing (MR) Peripheral Interface Manager (PIM) component. The Dialer uses the MR PIM interface to reserve an available agent as a recipient for a dialed customer call.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaDialerMediaRouterStatus -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Logger


Template to monitor Unified ICM/Unified CC Logger component statistics like Logger HDS Replication and Logger Avg DB Write Time.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaLoggerHDSReplication - cccaLoggerAvgDBWriteTime -

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Loggercisco.cca.logger.db.write.timeLogger Avg DB Write TimensThe logger average database write time expresses the average amount of time,in 100 nanosecond units,required to write data to a table in the central controller database. This value represents the average time per write of the last 100 write operations. This object is a good indicator of contention for database access.[cccaLoggerAvgDBWriteTime -]
cisco.cca.logger.hds.replicationLogger HDS ReplicationThe logger HDS replication Boolean object indicates whether the logger component will be replicating data to a distributor AW Historical Data Server (HDS). If 'true',the logger feeds historical data at regular intervals to the HDS for long-term storage. In this configuration,administrator reports are generated by accessing data from the HDS rather than the logger in order to remove the performance impact of reporting on the logger.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaLoggerHDSReplication -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Peripheral Gateway (PG) and PIM


Template to monitor the peripheral gateway component statistics like Pg Calls In Progress,Pg Agents Logged On,Pg Agents Ready and Pg Agents Talking. Also it monitors status of the enterprise contact center application peripheral interface manager functional component.


Device should support CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s tables like cccaPgTable,cccaPimTable.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Peripheral Gateway (PG) Calls In ProgressThe calls in progress object shows the number of calls that are currently active and being managed/monitored by this peripheral gateway.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaPgCallsInProgress -] Agents Logged OnThe agents logged On object shows the number of agents associated with this peripheral gateway that are currently logged on and are being managed/monitored by this peripheral gateway.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaPgAgentsLoggedOn -] Agents ReadyThe agents ready object shows the number of agents associated with this peripheral gateway that are currently logged on and in a 'Ready' state,i.e.,ready to receive calls.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaPgAgentsReady -] Agents TalkingThe agents talking object shows the number of agents associated with this peripheral gateway that are currently logged on and taking a call (in a 'Talking' state).[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaPgAgentsTalking -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - PIM Statuscisco.cca.pim.statusPIM StatusThe PIM status object holds the last known status of the enterprise contact center application peripheral interface manager functional component.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaPimStatus -,cccaPimPeripheralName -]

Cisco Contact Center Apps - Router and NICs


Template to monitor Unified ICM/Unified CC component statistics like Router Calls Per Second,Router Calls In Progress,Router Calls In Queue and Router Agents Logged On and NIC Status.


Device should support for CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB and it’s tables like cccaRouterTable and cccaNicTable.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Apps - NIC Statuscisco.cca.nic.statusNIC StatusThe NIC status is the last known status of the enterprise contact center application network interface controller functional component.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaNicStatus -]
Cisco Contact Center Apps - Router Componentcisco.cca.router.calls.per.secRouter Calls Per SecondpsecIt monitors the router calls per sec object indicates the current inbound call rate; that is,the calculated number of inbound calls per second.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaRouterCallsPerSec -] Calls In ProgressThe router calls in progress object indicates the current number of active (voice) calls being managed by the enterprise contact center application. The calls will be in various states of treatment.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaRouterCallsInProgress -] Calls In QueueThe router calls in queue object indicates the total number of calls queued in all network Voice Response Units (VRUs),from the router perspective,including those calls that are in the process of transferring to the VRU for queuing.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaRouterCallsInQueue -]
cisco.cca.router.agents.logged.onRouter Agents Logged OnThe number of contact center agents currently managed by the enterprise contact center application. This does not necessarily represent the number of contact center agents that can receive routed calls,but rather the number of agents for which the application is recording statistical information.[CISCO-CONTACT-CENTER-APPS-MIB::cccaRouterAgentsLoggedOn -]

Cisco Contact Center Express - G2


Monitors Cisco Center Express using the Serviceability API based performance counters. Ensure that the API is available by accessing the URL https://<server>:8443/perfmonservice/services/PerfmonPort?PerfmonListCounter


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Contact Center Expresscisco.ccx.disk.queue.lengthCisco contact center express disk queue lengthCisco contact center express disk queue length.
cisco.ccx.virtual.mem.usageCisco contact center express virtual memory usage%Cisco contact center express virtual memory usage.
cisco.ccx.replication.stateCisco contact center express replication stateCisco contact center express replication state.
cisco.ccx.db.change.notification.reqs.queuedCisco contact center db change notification reqs queuedCisco contact center express db change notification requests queued.
cisco.ccx.db.change.notification.reqs.queued.memCisco contact center db change notification reqs queued memoryCisco contact center db change notification requests queued memory. contact center active client connectionsCisco contact center active client connections.
cisco.ccx.conf.db.usedCisco contact center configuration db space used%Cisco contact center configuration db space used.
cisco.unified.ccx.repository.db.usedCisco contact center repository db space used%Cisco contact center repository db space used.
cisco.unified.ccx.frascal.usedCisco contact center frascal space used%Cisco contact center frascal space used.
cisco.ccx.mem.utilCisco contact center express memory utilization%Cisco contact center express memory utilization.
cisco.ccx.disk.swap.utilCisco CCX Disk Swap Utilization%Cisco CCX Disk swap utilization.
cisco.ccx.mem.freeCisco CCX Memory FreeKBCisco CCX Memory free.
cisco.ccx.virtual.mem.freeCisco CCX Virtual Memory FreeKBCisco CCX Virtual memory free.
cisco.ccx.disk.utilCisco contact center disk utilization%Cisco contact center disk utilization.

Cisco EIGRP Neighbors - G2


Monitors Cisco Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP) neighbors count per AS and interface peer count. This template can be applicable on Cisco routers.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco EIGRP Neighbor Countcisco.eigrp.neighbor.countEIGRP Neighbor CountMonitors the total number of live EIGRP neighbors formed on all interfaces whose IP addresses fall under networks configured in the EIGRP AS.[OIDs:,]
Cisco EIGRP Peer Countcisco.eigrp.ifpeer.countEIGRP Peer CountMonitors the number of EIGRP adjacencies currently formed with peers reached through this interface.[OIDs:,,]

Cisco ENCS


Template to monitor Cisco ENCS (Enterprise Network Compute System) devices. Validated on Cisco ENCS 5406 (SysObjId: It monitors last 5 minutes CPU Load Average,memory used,memory free,kernel memory usage,memory utilization %,voltage status and temperature value.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPM CPU Load Averagecisco.cpu.load.avg.5minCPU Load Average - 5 MinThe overall CPU load Average in the last 5 minutes period. The average number of processes in the queue waiting for CPU time over the last 5 minutes. This OID ( reflects the average number of runnable processes with units of hundredths of processes. For instance,if this OID returns a value of 183 then we will divide it with 100,to get the average number of runnable processes over the last 5 minutes,i.e. 1.83. So we will return this 1.83 as metric value.[CISCO-PROCESS-MIB::cpmCPULoadAvg5min -]
Cisco CPM CPU Memorycisco.cpu.memory.kernel.usageCPM CPU Memory Kernel ReservedKBThe overall CPU wide system memory which is reserved for kernel usage.[OID:]
cisco.cpu.memory.freeCPM CPU System Memory FreeBytesThe overall CPU wide system memory which is currently free.[OID:]
cisco.cpu.memory.usedCPM CPU System Memory UsedBytesThe overall CPU wide system memory which is currently under use.[OID:]
cisco.cpu.memory.utilizationCPM CPU Memory Utilization%The overall CPU wide system memory utilization.[OID:,]
Cisco Temperature Status - No Entity OID as Componentcisco.envmon.temperatureTemperature ValueCelsiusThe current measurement of the Cisco environment temperature in degrees Celsius.[CISCO-ENVMON-MIB::OID::]
Cisco Voltage Status - No Entity OID as Componentsystem.voltage.statusVoltage StatusVoltage status. Possible status values are 1-normal,2-warning,3-critical,4-shutdown,5-not present,6-not functioning. Alerts if voltage status value in 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 [OID:,]

Cisco Entity Module Monitors - G2


Monitors the entity NVRAM utilization and entity LED status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Entity EXT Physical Processorcisco.entity.ext.nvram.freeNVRAM FreeBytesTotal number of free bytes of NVRAM in the entity.[OID:,]
cisco.entity.ext.nvram.usedNVRAM UsedBytesNumber of bytes of NVRAM in use.[OID:]
cisco.entity.ext.nvram.utilizationNVRAM Utilization%Total percentage of bytes of NVRAM in use.[,]
Cisco Entity LED Statuscisco.entity.led.statusCisco Entity LED StatusMonitors the color of the LED. Possible values are 1- off,2- green,3- amber,4- red.[OID:]

Cisco Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status - EXT


Template to monitor cisco entity physical sensors (like electric potential ac,electric potential dc,electric current,power,frequency,temperature,percent relative humidity,shaft revolutions per minute and cubic meters per minute (airflow),Rx and Tx power) values and their operational statuses.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status -EXTcisco_entity_physical_sensor_statusSensor StatusMonitors the physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status. Possible values for the operational status are:
1- ok: indicates that the agent can obtain the sensor value,
2- unavailable: indicates that the agent presently cannot obtain the sensor value,
3- nonoperational: indicates that the agent believes the sensor is broken.
The sensor could have a hard failure (disconnected wire),or a soft failure such as out-of-range,jittery,or wildly fluctuating readings.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_frequencyFrequencyHzIt represents an Cisco Entity Frequency Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_airflowAirflow (cmm)It represents an Entity Cubic Meters per minute (airflow) Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_potential_dcElectric Potential DCvIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Potential DC Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_temperatureTemperatureCelsiusIt represents an Cisco Entity Temperature Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_rpmRPMrpmIt represents an Cisco Entity RPM Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB:
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_relative_humidityRelative Humidity(RH) %%It represents an Cisco Entity Relative Humidity(RH) Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB:
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_currentElectric CurrentampsIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Current Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_potential_acElectric Potential ACvIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Potential AC Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_Rx_Tx_powerRX_Tx PowerdBmIt provides the Rx_Tx power value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_powerPowerIt represents an Cisco Entity Power Sensor value.
MS-Cisco Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status-EXTcisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_currentElectric CurrentampsIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Current Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_Rx_Tx_powerRX_Tx PowerdBmIt provides the Rx_Tx power value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_temperatureTemperatureCelsiusIt represents an Cisco Entity Temperature Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB:
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_relative_humidityRelative Humidity(RH) %%It represents an Cisco Entity Relative Humidity(RH) Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_potential_dcElectric Potential DCvIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Potential DC Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_rpmRPMrpmIt represents an Cisco Entity RPM Sensor value.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_statusSensor StatusMonitors the physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status. Possible values for the operational status are:
1- ok: indicates that the agent can obtain the sensor value,
2- unavailable: indicates that the agent presently cannot obtain the sensor value,
3- nonoperational: indicates that the agent believes the sensor is broken.
The sensor could have a hard failure (disconnected wire),or a soft failure such as out-of-range,jittery,or wildly fluctuating readings.
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_airflowAirflow (cmm)It represents an Entity Cubic Meters per minute (airflow) Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_electric_potential_acElectric Potential ACvIt represents an Cisco Entity Electric Potential AC Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_powerPowerIt represents an Cisco Entity Power Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
cisco_entity_physical_sensor_frequencyFrequencyHzIt represents an Cisco Entity Frequency Sensor value.[CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]

Cisco FC Switch Port


Template to monitor Cisco FC Switch Port parameters like BB Credit Transition From Zero,BB Credit Transition To Zero,Credit Loss,Credits Unavailable,Invalid CRCs,Invalid Tx Words,Link Failures,Link Reset Ins,Link Reset Outs,Out Discards,Signal Losses,Sync Losses,Timeout Discards,Wait Count,Slow Port Count,Slow Port Operational Delay,Operational Status Cause.


Device should have support for CISCO-FC-FE-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FC Switch Port - Errorscisco.fc.slow.port.operational.delaySlow Port Operational DelaymsIt monitors the maximum operational credit delay experienced by the port at any given time.
This object is an absolute value and resets to zero when the slowport condition disappears.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfSlowPortOperDelay:]. Credit Transition From ZeroIt monitors the BB credit
transition from zero increments if the transmit b2b credit is zero.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfBBCreditTransistionFromZero:]. Credit Transition To ZeroIt monitors the BB credit transition
to zero increments if the receive b2b credit is zero.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfBBCreditTransistionToZero:]. LossIt monitors the number of link reset
has occurred due to unavailable credits from the peer side of the link.
cisco.fc.credits.unavailableCredits UnavailableIt monitors the
fcIfTxWtAvgBBCreditTransitionToZero increments if the credit available is zero for 100 ms.
cisco.fc.invalid.crcsInvalid CRCscountIt monitors the delta of invalid CRCs
detected by the FC-Port. Delta = Current poll CRCs count - Previous poll CRCs count.
cisco.fc.invalid.tx.wordsInvalid Tx WordscountIt monitors the delta of invalid transmission words detected by the FC-Port.
Delta = Current Poll Invalid Transmission words count - Previous poll Invalid Transmission words count.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfInvalidTxWords:]. FailurescountIt monitors the delta of link failures detected by the FC-Port.
Delta = Current poll Link failures count - Previous poll Link failures count.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfLinkFailures:] Reset InscountIt monitors the delta of link reset protocol errors received by the FC-Port from the attached FC-port.
Delta = Current poll link reset protocol errors received count - Previous poll link reset protocol errors received count.
[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfLinkResetIns:]. Reset OutscountIt monitors the delta of link reset protocol errors
issued by the FC-Port to the attached FC-Port.Delta = Current poll link reset protocol errors issued count - Previous poll link reset protocol errors issued count.
cisco.fc.out.discardsOut DiscardscountIt monitors the delta of packets that are discarded in the egress side of the FC-port.
Delta = Current poll out discards count - Previous poll out discards count.
cisco.fc.signal.lossesSignal LossescountIt monitors the delta of signal losses detected by the FC-Port.
Delta = Current poll signal losses count - Previous poll signal losses count.
cisco.fc.sync.losesSync LossescountIt monitors the delta of loss of synchronization failures detected by the FC-Port.
Delta = Current poll Sync losses count - Previous poll Sync losses count.
cisco.fc.timeout.discardsTimeout DiscardscountIt monitors the delta of packets that are dropped due to time-out at the FC-port or due to the FC-port going offline.
Delta = Current poll Timeout Discards count - Previous poll Timeout Discards count [fcIfTimeOutDiscards:].
cisco.fc.wait.countWait CountcountIt monitors the delta of times the FC-port waited due to lack of transmit credits.
Delta = Current poll Wait count - Previous poll Wait count.[CISCO-FC-FE-MIB::fcIfTxWaitCount:].
cisco.fc.slow.port.countSlow Port CountcountIt monitors the delta of times slowport event(transmit credits not available) condition detected for the timeout value configured.
Delta = Current poll slow port count - Previous poll slow port count.
Cisco FC Switch Port - Operational Status Causecisco.fc.operational.status.causeOperational Status CauseIt monitors the cause of current operational state of the port.
Possible Values are 1:other, 2:none,
39:loopbackIsolation, 40:upgradeInProgress,
41:incompatibleAdminRxBBCredit, 42:incompatibleAdminRxBufferSize, 43:portChannelMembersDown, 44:zoneRemoteNoRespIsolation,
45:firstPortUpAsEport, 46:firstPortNotUp, 47:peerFCIPPortClosedConnection,
48:peerFCIPPortResetConnection, 49:fcipPortMaxReTx,
53:fcipPortSrcAdminDown, 54:fcipPortAdminCfgChange, 55:fcipSrcPortRemoved,
56:fcipSrcModuleNotOnline, 57:invalidConfig, 58:portBindFailure, 59:portFabricBindFailure, 60:noCommonVsanIsolation,
61:ficonVsanDown, 62:invalidAttachment, 63:portBlocked, 64:incomAdminRxBBCreditPerBuf, 65:tooManyInvalidFLOGIs, 66:deniedDueToPortBinding,
71:elpFailureInvalidFlowCTLParam, 72:elpFailureInvalidPortName,
73:elpFailureInvalidSwitchName, 74:elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch, 75:elpFailureLoopbackDetected,
76:elpFailureInvalidTxBBCredit, 77:elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize,
78:bundleMisCfg, 79:bitErrRTThresExceeded,
80:linkFailLinkReset, 81:linkFailPortInitFail,
83:linkFailLossOfSignal, 84:linkFailLossOfSync, 85:linkFailNOSRcvd,
86:linkFailOLSRcvd, 87:linkFailDebounceTimeout, 88:linkFailLRRcvdB2B, 89:linkFailCreditLoss, 90:linkFailRxQOverFlow,

Cisco Firepower - Hardware


Template to monitor Cisco Firepower Hardware parameters like Blade Environment Statistics are CPU1 Temp,CPU2 Temp,CPU Temp,Power Consumption,Chassis parameters like Input Power,Output Power,Fan Module Statistics like Ambient Temperature,Fan Statistics like speed,IO Card Statistics are Ambient Temperature,DIMM Temperature,Proc Temperature,Temperature,Memory Unit Temperature,Mother Board Power Statistics like Consumed Power,Input Current,Input Voltage,Mother Board Temperature statistics like Temp Sensor IO,Temp Sensor Rear,Temp Sensor Rear Left,Temp Sensor Rear Right,Processor Temperature,PSU Statistics like Ambient Temperature,Input 210v,Output 12v,Output 3v3,Output Current,Output Power,Temp1,Temp2. System Object ID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Firepower - Blade Environment Statscisco.firepower.blade.env.cpu1.tempBlade Env CPU1 TempCelsiusIt monitors the blade environment CPU1 temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentBladeEnvCpu1Temp:].
cisco.firepower.blade.env.cpu2.tempBlade Env CPU2 TempCelsiusIt monitors the blade environment CPU2 temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentBladeEnvCpu2Temp:].
cisco.firepower.blade.env.power.consumptionBlade Env Power ConsumptionIt monitors the blade environment power consumption.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentBladeEnvPowerConsumption:].
cisco.firepower.blade.env.cpu.tempBlade Env CPU TempCelsiusIt monitors the blade environment CPU temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentBladeEnvCpuTemp:].
Cisco Firepower - Chassiscisco.firepower.chassis.input.powerChassis Input PowerIt monitors the chassis input power.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentChassisStatsInputPower:].
cisco.firepower.chassis.output.powerChassis Output PowerIt monitors the chassis output power.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentChassisStatsOutputPower:].
Cisco Firepower - Fan Module Module Ambient TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the fan module ambient temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentFanModuleStatsAmbientTemp:].
Cisco Firepower - Fan SpeedrpmIt monitors the fan speed.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentFanStatsSpeed:].
Cisco Firepower - IO Card Card TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the IO card temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentIOCardStatsTemp:]. Card Proc TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the IO card proc temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentIOCardStatsProcTemp:]. Card DIMM TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the IO card DIMM temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentIOCardStatsDimmTemp:]. Card Ambient TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the IO card ambient temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentIOCardStatsAmbientTemp:].
Cisco Firepower - Memory Unit Temperaturecisco.firepower.memory.unit.temperatureMemory Unit TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the memory unit temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-MEMORY-MIB::cfprMemoryUnitEnvStatsTemperature:].
Cisco Firepower - Mother Board Power Statscisco.firepower.mother.board.input.currentMother Board Input CurrentIt monitors the mother board input current.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbPowerStatsInputCurrent:].
cisco.firepower.mother.board.input.voltageMother Board Input VoltageIt monitors the mother board input voltage.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbPowerStatsInputVoltage:].
cisco.firepower.mother.board.consumed.powerMother Board Consumed PowerIt monitors the mother board consumed power.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbPowerStatsConsumedPower:].
Cisco Firepower - Mother Board Temperature Statscisco.firepower.mother.board.temp.sensor.ioMother Board Temp Sensor IOCelsiusIt monitors the mother board temp sensor IO.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbTempStatsFmTempSenIo:].
cisco.firepower.mother.board.temp.sensor.rear.leftMother Board Temp Sensor Rear LeftCelsiusIt monitors the mother board temp sensor rear left.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbTempStatsFmTempSenRearL:].
cisco.firepower.mother.board.temp.sensor.rearMother Board Temp Sensor RearCelsiusIt monitors the mother board temp sensor rear.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbTempStatsFmTempSenRear:].
cisco.firepower.mother.board.temp.sensor.rear.rightMother Board Temp Sensor Rear RightCelsiusIt monitors the mother board temp sensor rear right.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-COMPUTE-MIB::cfprComputeMbTempStatsFmTempSenRearR:].
Cisco Firepower - Processor Temperaturecisco.firepower.processor.temperatureProcessor TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the processor temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-PROCESSOR-MIB::cfprProcessorEnvStatsTemperature:].
Cisco Firepower - PSU Statscisco.firepower.psu.ouput.currentPSU Output CurrentampsIt monitors the PSU output current,[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsOutputCurrent:].
cisco.firepower.psu.temp2PSU Temp2CelsiusIt monitors the PSU temperature2.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsPsuTemp2:].
cisco.firepower.psu.temp1PSU Temp1CelsiusIt monitors the PSU temperature1.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsPsuTemp1:].
cisco.firepower.psu.ambient.temperaturePSU Ambient TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the PSU ambient temperature.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsAmbientTemp:].
cisco.firepower.psu.ouput.3v3PSU Output 3v3vIt monitors the PSU output 3v3.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsOutput3v3:].
cisco.firepower.psu.output.powerPSU Output PowerWIt monitors the PSU output power.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsOutputPower:].
cisco.firepower.psu.input.210vPSU Input 210vvIt monitors the PSU input 210v.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsInput210v:].
cisco.firepower.psu.output.12vPSU Output 12vvIt monitors the PSU output 12v.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-EQUIPMENT-MIB::cfprEquipmentPsuStatsOutput12v:].

Cisco Firepower - Performance


Template to monitor Cisco Firepower Performance parameters like Local Disk parameters like operability,state,Security Module Data Disk parameters like Available,Total,Utilization,Security Module Disk File System parameters like Free,Total,Utilization,Security Module Memory parameters like Free,Total,Utilization,Storage Element parameters like Size,Used,Security Module CPU Total Load Average 15min,CPU Total Load Average 1min,CPU Total Load Average 5min. System Object Id :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Firepower - Local Local Disk OperabilityIt monitors the storage local disk operability. Possible values are unknown(0),operable(1),inoperable(2),degraded(3),poweredOff(4),powerProblem(5),removed(6),
[CISCO-FIREPOWER-STORAGE-MIB::cfprStorageLocalDiskOperability:]. Logical Disk StateIt monitors the storage logical disk state. Possible values are unknown(0),online(1),unconfiguredGood(2),globalHotSpare(3),dedicatedHotSpare(4),
Cisco Firepower - Security Module CPU Total Load Module CPU Total Load Avg 15Min%It monitors the Security module CPU total load average 15Min.
[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorCpuTotalLoadAvg15min:]. Module CPU Total Load Avg 5Min%It monitors the Security module CPU total load avg 5Min.
[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorCpuTotalLoadAvg5min:]. Module CPU Total Load Avg 1Min%It monitors the Security module CPU total load avg 1Min.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorCpuTotalLoadAvg1min:].
Cisco Firepower - Security Module Data Module Data Disk Utilization%It monitors the security module data disk utilization.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorDataDiskAvailable:,
cfprSmMonitorDataDiskTotal:]. Module Data Disk AvailableMBIt monitors the security module data disk available.
[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorDataDiskAvailable:]. Module Data Disk TotalMBIt monitors the security module data disk total.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorDataDiskTotal:].
Cisco Firepower - Security Module Disk File Module Disk File System Utilization%It monitors the security module disk file system utilization.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmDiskFileSystemUsedKb:,cfprSmDiskFileSystemTotalKb:]. Module Disk File System FreeMBIt monitors the security module disk file system free.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmDiskFileSystemFreeKb:]. Module Disk File System TotalMBIt monitors the security module disk file system total.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmDiskFileSystemTotalKb:].
Cisco Firepower - Security Module Module Memory TotalMBIt monitors the security module memory total.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorMemTotalKb:]. Module Memory FreeMBIt monitors the security module memory free.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorMemFreeKb:]. Module Memory Utilization%It monitors the security module memory utilization.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-SM-MIB::cfprSmMonitorMemUsedKb:,cfprSmMonitorMemTotalKb:].
Cisco Firepower - Storage Controller Controller StatusIt monitors the storage controller status. Possible values are unknown(0),optimal(1),failed(2),unresponsive(3).
Cisco Firepower - Storage Element SizeIt monitors the storage element size.
[CISCO-FIREPOWER-STORAGE-MIB::cfprStorageItemSize:]. Element Utilization%It monitors the storage element utilization.[CISCO-FIREPOWER-STORAGE-MIB::cfprStorageItemUsed:].

Cisco Firewall Connection Statistics


Template for Cisco Firewalls like ASA and PIX. Monitors both connections and URL processing parameters like connection set up rate,url drop rate,url processing rate,UDP connections rate,TCP connections rate and URL requests denied rate.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Firewall Active Connectionsfw.conn.activeCurrent Active ConnectionspsecMonitors the number of connections which are currently active.[OID:]
Cisco Firewall Additional Connection Statsfw.conn.attemptedAttempted ConnectionspsecMonitors the the number of connections which are attempted to be set up through the firewall.[OID:]
fw.conn.setups.abortedAborted ConnectionspsecMonitors the number of connection setup attempts that were aborted before the connection could proceed to completion. The counter includes setup attempts aborted by the firewall as well as those aborted by the initiator and/or the responder(s) of/to the connection setup attempt.[OID:]
fw.conn.policy.declinedSecurity Policy Declined ConnectionnspsecMonitors the The number of connections which were attempted to be setup but which were declined due to reasons of security policy. This includes the connections that failed authentication.[OID:]
fw.conn.res.declinedResources Unavailability Declined ConnectionspsecMonitors the number of connections which were attempted to be setup but which were declined due to non-availability of required resources.[OID:]
fw.conn.halfopenHalf-opened ConnectionsMonitors the number of connections which are in the process of being setup but which have not yet reached the established state in the connection table.[OID:]
fw.conn.expiredExpired ConnectionspsecMonitors the number of connections which were active but which were since normally terminated.[OID:]
fw.conn.abortedAborted ConnectionspsecMonitors the number of connections which were active but which were aborted by the firewall due to reasons of policy or resource rationing.[OID:]
fw.conn.embryonicEmbryonic Application Layer ConnectionsMonitors the number of embryonic application layer connections (that is,connections in which the signaling channel has been established while the data channel is awaiting setup).[OID:]
fw.conn.mem.usageConnections Memory UsageKBMonitors the amount of memory occupied by all structures required to maintain the state of all connections which are either being established or are active.[OID:]
Cisco Firewall Connection Statisticsfw.udp.conn.rateFirewall - UDP Connection RatepsecThe connection setup rate averaged over the last 300 seconds.[OID:]
fw.tcp.conn.rateFirewall - TCP Connection RatepsecThe connection setup rate averaged over the last 300 seconds.[OID:]
fw.conn.setup.rateFirewall - Connection Set Up RatepsecThe averaged number of connections which the firewall establishing per second,averaged over the last 300 seconds.[OID:]
fw.url.drop.rateFirewall - URL Drop RatepsecThe rate at which incoming URL access requests were dropped by the firewall because of resource constraints,averaged over the last 300 seconds.[OID:]
fw.url.processing.rateFirewall - URL Processing RatepsecThe number of URL access requests processed per second by this firewall.[OID:]
fw.url.requests.denied.rateFirewall - Requests Denied RatepsecThe rate at which URL access requests were denied by this firewall,due to a directive from a URL filtering server,a static policy configured on the firewall,due to resource constraints or any other reason,averaged over the last 300 seconds.[OID:]

Cisco Firewall Failover Status


This template is to check Primary Unit and Interface status in failover configuration.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FW - Primary Unit and Failover Interface device statusChecks the status of the primary unit in a failover configuration.[OIDs:,,]
interface.status.failoverlanInterface Failover StatusIdentifies the status of hardware unit. Provides detailed information about the units in the fail-over pair. If failover is enabled indicates the active and standby units [OID:,,]

Cisco Firewall System Performance Monitors


Applicable on the ASA and PIX devices. Monitors the hardware status,buffer usage and traffic classified by protocol.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FW - Buffer 4 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 4 byte blocks.[OID:] 80 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 80 byte blocks.[OID:] 256 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 256 byte blocks.[OID:] 1550 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 1550 byte blocks. 2048 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 2048 byte blocks.[OID:] 2560 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 2560 byte blocks.[OID:] 4096 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 4096 byte blocks.[OID:] 8192 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 8192 byte blocks.[OID:] 16384 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 16384 byte blocks.[OID:] 65536 Byte BlocksCurrent number of available 65536 byte blocks.[OIDs:]
Cisco FW - Hardware Firewall Hardware StatusProvides firewall hardware current status and detailed information about the status [OIDs:,,]
Cisco FW - Protocol Based Traffic - ICMP ConnectionsCurrent ICMP Connections TCP ConnectionsCurrent TCP Connections UDP ConnectionsCurrent UDP connections IP connectionsCurrent IP connections

Cisco Flash Device Status - G2


Applicable on Cisco device which have a Flash device,mostly Fiber Channel Switches. Monitors the flash device status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Flash Partitioncisco.flash.partition.utilizationFlash Partition Utilization%Monitors the utilization of Flash partitions.[OID:,,]
cisco.flash.partition.statusFlash Partition StatusMonitors the status of a partition on a flash device of a Cisco Router..[OID:,]

Cisco FRU Status - G2


These monitors are applicable on all Cisco devices with Chassis like the MDS switches etc. Monitors the power,fan and module status of the FRU.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
FRU Fan Fan StatusFRU Fan Status. Possible status values are 1 -Unknown,2 -Up,3 -Down,4 -Warning. Alerts if fan status in 3(Down) or 4(Warning) [OID:,]
FRU Module Statuscisco.fru.module.statusFRU Module StatusFRU Module Status. Possible status values are 1 -Unknown,2 -OK,3 -Disabled,4 -OK,but diagnostics failed,5 -Boot,6 -Selftest,7 -Failed,8 -Missing,9 -Mismatch with parent,10 -Mismatch config,11 -Diagnostics failed,12 -Dormant,13 -Out of service admin,14 -Out of service env temp,15 -Powered down,16 -Powered up,17 -Power denied,18 -Power cycled,19 -OK,but power over warning,20 -OK,but power over critical,21 -Sync in progress,22 -Upgrading,23 -OK,but authfailed.[OID:,]
FRU Power Statuscisco.fru.power.statusFRU Power StatusFRU Power Status. 1 -FRU powered off,2 -FRU powered on,3 -FRU power off by admin,4 -FRU powered off-denied,5 -FRU powered off-environment issue,6 -FRU powered off temperature problem,7 -FRU powered off - fan problem,8 -FRU powered off - failed,9 -

Cisco FTD - Crypto Accelerator Status


Template to monitor cisco FTD - crypto accelerator status,out bad packets and random request fails (sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FTD - Crypto Accelerator Global Out Error Packetscisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorGlobalOutErrorPacketsCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator Global Out Error PacketsIt monitors the the total number of packets output by all the crypto accelerators installed in the device which were found to be generated with errors (checksum errors,other errors). The value is cumulative from last reboot of the managed entity.[CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB::ccaGlobalOutErrPkts:].
Cisco FTD - Crypto Accelerator Protocol Failed Requestscisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorProtocolFailedRequestsCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator Protocol Failed RequestsIt monitors the number of times requests received from this security protocol could not be fulfilled,counted since the last reboot of the device.
Cisco FTD - Crypto Accelerator Statuscisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorStatusCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator StatusIt monitors the the state of the crypto accelerator corresponding to this row. Possible values are unknown(1),ok(2),disabled(3),okButDiagFailed(4),
cisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorDropsPacketsCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator Drops Packetspacket/minIt monitors the number of packets input to this module which were dropped prior to processing since the last reboot of the device.[CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB::ccaAcclDropsPkts:].
cisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorRandomRequestFailsCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator Random Request FailsIt monitors the number of random number requests received by this module which were not fulfilled,counted since the last reboot of the device.[CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB::ccaAcclRandReqFails:].
cisco_FTD_CryptoAcceleratorOutBadPacketsCisco FTD Crypto Accelerator Out Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the number of packets output by this module after processing which had crypto errors,since last reboot of the device.[CISCO-CRYPTO-ACCELERATOR-MIB::ccaAcclOutBadPkts:]

Cisco FTD - Trustsec SXP Connection Status


Template to monitor Cisco FTD - Trustsec SXP Connection Status (sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FTD - Trustsec SXP Connection Statuscisco_FTD_TrustsecSXPConnectionStatusCisco FTD Trustsec SXP Connection StatusIt monitors the This object indicates the status of this SXP connection. Possible values are other(1),off(2),on(3),pendingOn(4),deleteHoldDown(5) [CISCO-TRUSTSEC-SXP-MIB::ctsxSxpConnStatus:].

Cisco FTD - VPN Backup And License Server Status


Template to monitor cisco FTD - VPN backup and license server status (sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FTD - Vpn Backup And License Server Statuscisco_FTD_VpnLicenseServerStatusCisco FTD Vpn License Server StatusIt monitors the shared license server status. Possible values are active(1),inactive(2),expired(3).[CISCO-VPN-LIC-USAGE-MONITOR-MIB::cvpnLicServerStatus:].
cisco_FTD_VpnLicenseBackupServerStatusCisco FTD Vpn License Backup Server StatusIt monitors the shared license backup server status. Possible values are active(1),inactive(2),expired(3).[CISCO-VPN-LIC-USAGE-MONITOR-MIB::cvpnLicBkpServerStatus:].

Cisco Hardware Sensor Status - Ext


It monitors the hardware sensor status. This template collects the data from any one of the working mib from [CISCO-ENVMON-MIB,CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB,ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB,ENTITY-MIB].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Hardware Sensor Status - Extcisco_hardwareSensor_statusCisco Hardware Sensor StatusIt monitors the hardware sensor status. The possible values are 1: normal/ok,2: warning/unavailable,3: critical/nonoperational,4: shutdown,5: notPresent,6: notFunctioning.

Cisco Hardware Status - G2


Monitors the Cisco Hardware Status- Power,Fan,Voltage and Temperature.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Fan StatusStatus of internal fan. Possible status values are 1 -Normal,2 -Warning,3 -Critical,4 -Shutdown,5 -Not present,6 -Not functioning. Alerts if value equals to 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 [OID:,]
Cisco Power Statussystem.power.statusPower StatusMonitors the current state of the power supply. Possible values are 1 -Normal,2 -Warning,3 -Critical,4 -Shutdown,5 -Not present,6 -Not functioning. Alerts if power status value in 2 or 3 or 4 or 6.[OID: ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusDescr -; ciscoEnvMonSupplyState -]
Cisco Temperature Statussystem.temperature.statusTemperature StatusTemperature status. Possible status values are 1 -Normal,2 -Warning,3 -Critical,4 -Shutdown,5 -Not present,6 -Not functioning. Alerts if temperature status value equals to 2,3,4 and 6.[OID:;]
Cisco Voltage Statussystem.voltage.statusVoltage StatusVoltage status. Possible status values are 1-normal,2-warning,3-critical,4-shutdown,5-not present,6-not functioning. Alerts if voltage status value in 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 [OID:,]

Cisco IP SLA ICMP-Jitter Operation Stats - SNMP Based


[CISCO-RTTMON-ICMP-MIB] It monitors the Cisco IP SLA ICMP Jitter operation statistics like packet loss,successful RTT’s,out-of-sequence packets (Source->Destination and Destination->Source),RTT operation status,late packets,one way trip time packets,average jitter(Source->Destination and Destination->Source and sum of both directions),average one-way latency(Source->Destination and Destination->Source) and average RTT. It collects these statistics using SNMP OIDs. Validated this template on SysObjID: (C2800NM-SPSERVICESK9-M).


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco IP SLA ICMP Jitter Operation Stats - SNMPcisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.numrttSuccessful RTT'sThe number of RTT's that were successfully measured.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.plPackets lostThe number of packets lost.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.pktoutseq.sdOut-of-sequence packets (Source -> Destination)The number of packets arrived out of sequence in the direction of source-to-destination.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.pktoutseq.dsOut-of-sequence packets (Destination -> Source)The number of packets arrived out of sequence in the direction of destination-to-source.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.jittersenseRTT Oper Completion StatusAn application specific sense code for the completion status of a RTT operation. These are the defined values: other(0) - the operation is not started or completed or this object is not applicable for the probe type; ok(1) - a valid completion occurred and timed successfully; disconnected(2) - the operation did not occur because the connection to the target was lost; overThreshold(3) - a valid completion was received but the completion time exceeded a threshold value; timeout(4) - an operation timed out; no completion time recorded; busy(5) - the operation did not occur because a previous operation is still outstanding; notConnected(6) - the operation did not occur because no connection (session) exists with the target; dropped(7) - the operation did not occur due to lack of internal resource; sequenceError(8) - a completed operation did not contain the correct sequence id; no completion time recorded; verifyError(9) - a completed operation was received,but the data it contained did not match the expected data; no completion time recorded; applicationSpecific(10) - the application generating the operation had a specific error; dnsServerTimeout(11) - DNS Server Timeout; tcpConnectTimeout(12) - TCP Connect Timeout; httpTransactionTimeout(13) - HTTP Transaction Timeout; dnsQueryError(14) - DNS Query error (because of unknown address etc.,); httpError(15) - HTTP Response StatusCode is not OK (200),or permenent redirect(301),temporary redirect(302) then HTTP error is set; error(16) - if there are socket failures or some other errors not relavant to the actual probe,they are recorded under this error; mplsLspEchoTxError(17) - MPLS echo request transmission failure.; mplsLspUnreachable(18) - MPLS Target FEC not reachable or unsupported mpls echo reply code; mplsLspMalformedReq(19) - MPLS echo request was malformalformed,pointed out by the reply router; mplsLspReachButNotFEC(20) - MPLS echo request processed by the downstream router but not the target; enableOk(21) - Control enable request OK; enableNoConnect(22) - Control enable request fail due to no connection to the target; enableVersionFail(23) - Control enable request version fail; enableInternalError(24) - Control enable request internal error; enableAbort(25) - Control enable request abort; enableFail(26) - Control enable request fail; enableAuthFail(27) - Control enable request fail due to authentication fail; enableFormatError(28) - Control enable request fail due to format error; enablePortInUse(29) - Control enable request fail due to port in use; statsRetrieveOk(30) - Stats retrieve request OK; statsRetrieveNoConnect(31) - Stats retrieve request fail due to no connection to the target; statsRetrieveVersionFail(32) - Stats retrieve request version fail; statsRetrieveInternalError(33) - Stats retrieve request internal error; statsRetrieveAbort(34) - Stats retrieve request abort; statsRetrieveFail(35) - Stats retrieve request fail; statsRetrieveAuthFail(36) - Stats retrieve request fail due to authentication fail; statsRetrieveFormatError(37) - Stats retrieve request fail due to format error; statsRetrievePortInUse(38) - Stats retrieve request fail due to port in use.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.pkt.lateLate PacketsThe number of packets that arrived after the timeout.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.numowOne-Way Successful Trip Time PacketsThe number of successful one way trip time measurements.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.avgjitterAvg Jitter (SD and DS)msThe average of positive and negative jitter values in Source-to-Destionation and Destination-to-Source direction.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.avgjitter.sdAvg Jitter (Source -> Destination)msThe average of positive and negative jitter values from source to destination.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.avgjitter.dsAvg Jitter (Destination -> Source)msThe average of positive and negative jitter values from destination to source.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.owavgsdAvg One-Way Latency (Source -> Destination)msThe average one way trip time from source to destination.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.owavgdsAvg One-Way Latency (Destination -> Source)msThe average one way trip time from destination to source.[OID:]
cisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.avgrttAvg RTTmsAverage Round-Trip Time in milliseconds. Expression: (rttMonLatestIcmpJitterRTTSum / rttMonLatestIcmpJitterNumRTT) [OIDs:,]

Cisco Ironport Monitors - G2


Monitors the hardware,application status like RAID status,fan,power supply,CPU,memory utilization etc.,of the Iron port device. Applicable on iron port security devices.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco IronPort FAN Iron Port Fan RPMrpmMonitors the fan speed in RPMs.[OIDs:,]
Cisco IronPort Performanceciscoironport.diskio.utilizationCisco Iron Port Disk IO Utilization%Monitors the utilization of the disk I/O in percentage.[OID:]
ciscoironport.memory.utilizationCisco Iron Port Memory Utilization%Monitors the utilization of system memory in percentage.[OID:]
ciscoironport.cpu.utilizationCisco Iron Port CPU Utilization%Monitors the CPU utilization in percentage.[OID:]
Cisco IronPort Power Supplyciscoironport.powersupply.statusCisco Iron Port Power Supply StatusMonitors the current status of the power supply. Possible status values are 1- powerSupplyNotInstalled,2- powerSupplyHealthy,3- powerSupplyNoAC,4- powerSupplyFaulty.[OIDs:,]
Cisco Ironport Iron Port Raid Last ErrorMonitors the last RAID error.[OIDs:,] Iron Port Raid StateMonitors the status reported by RAID controller. Possible values are 1- driveHealthy,2- driveFailure,3- driveRebuild.[OIDs:,]
Cisco IronPort Temperatureciscoironport.sensor.temperatureCisco Iron Port Sensor current TemperatureCMonitors the temperature in degrees Celsius.[OIDs:,]

Cisco L4-L7 Modules Resource Usage


It monitors the Cisco L4-L7 module’s resource utilization. The resources configured are of following categories: 1)TCP/IP Connections,2)MAC Addresses,3)syslog buffer,ACL Memmory,4) NAT Translations etc. This template validated on Cisco ASA Version 9.1(7)7,SysObjID:


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco L4-L7 Module's Resource Usagecisco.l4l7.module.resource.usageCisco L4-L7 Module's Resource UsageMonitors the number of resources identified by 'ciscoResourceLimitType',that are currently being used in the system. It will alert if crlResourceLimitCurrentUsage > crlResourceLimitMax.[CISCO-L4L7MODULE-RESOURCE-LIMIT-MIB::crlResourceLimitCurrentUsage::,crlResourceLimitMax::]
cisco.l4l7.module.resource.usage.notifyCisco L4-L7 Module's Resource Usage NotifyIt monitors the number of resources identified by 'crlRateLimitResourceType' object,that are currently being used in the system. This metric is applicable on L4-L7 Modules. It alerts when the module's resource utilization exceeds the max resource limit configured in the system (crlResourceLimitCurrentUsage > crlResourceLimitMax).[OIDs: crlResourceLimitCurrentUsage -,crlResourceLimitMax -]

Cisco Nexus - G2


Applicable on Cisco Nexus 7000 and 5000 series devices. Monitors the basic parameters like CPU utilization,Memory utilization,uptime and also monitors the FRU status parameters like fan,module and power status and also it monitors the VDC status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco FRU Power Supply Total Available CurrentampsTotal current available for FRU usage.[OID:] Total Drawn CurrentampsTotal current drawn by powered-on FRUs.[OID:]
Cisco System Performance - CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIBnexus.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%The average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor.[OID -]
nexus.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%The average utilization of memory on the active supervisor.[OID -]
system.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time (in seconds) since the entire system was last re-initialized as a result of reload.[CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB] - cseSysUpTime(
FRU Fan Fan StatusFRU Fan Status. Possible status values are 1 -Unknown,2 -Up,3 -Down,4 -Warning. Alerts if fan status in 3(Down) or 4(Warning) [OID:,]
FRU Module Statuscisco.fru.module.statusFRU Module StatusFRU Module Status. Possible status values are 1 -Unknown,2 -OK,3 -Disabled,4 -OK,but diagnostics failed,5 -Boot,6 -Selftest,7 -Failed,8 -Missing,9 -Mismatch with parent,10 -Mismatch config,11 -Diagnostics failed,12 -Dormant,13 -Out of service admin,14 -Out of service env temp,15 -Powered down,16 -Powered up,17 -Power denied,18 -Power cycled,19 -OK,but power over warning,20 -OK,but power over critical,21 -Sync in progress,22 -Upgrading,23 -OK,but authfailed.[OID:,]
FRU Power Statuscisco.fru.power.statusFRU Power StatusFRU Power Status. 1 -FRU powered off,2 -FRU powered on,3 -FRU power off by admin,4 -FRU powered off-denied,5 -FRU powered off-environment issue,6 -FRU powered off temperature problem,7 -FRU powered off - fan problem,8 -FRU powered off - failed,9 -
Virtual Device Context(VDC) Resource Usage - Across all VDCsnexus.vdc.resource.usageVDC Resource Usage%Monitors the utilization of VDC resource.[,]
Virtual Device Context(VDC) statusnexus.vdcNexus VDCCurrent operational state of the virtual device. Possible values are 1=Active,2=Suspended,3=NonConfigured,4=Configured,5=Creating,6=Deleting,7=Failed,8=Pending,9=Updating,10=Restarting,11=Suspending,12=Resuming,13=Failing.[OID:,]

Cisco NTP Peer Stats


Template to monitor Cisco NTP Peers statistics like Peer OFFSET,Round-trip DELAY and DISPERSION irrespective of local clock and ROOT DELAY,ROOT DISPERSION irrespective of primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.

  • Metric details:

    1. cisco.ntp.peer.offset – The estimated offset of the peer clock relative to the local clock,in seconds.
    2. cisco.ntp.peer.delay – The estimated round-trip delay of the peer clock relative to the local clock over the network path between them,in seconds.
    3. cisco.ntp.peer.dispersion – The estimated maximum error of the peer clock relative to the local clock over the network path between them,in seconds.
    4. cisco.ntp.peer.root.delay – A signed fixed-point number indicating the total round-trip delay in seconds,from the peer to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.
    5. cisco.ntp.peer.root.dispersion – The maximum error in seconds,of the peer clock relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.
    6. cisco.ntp.peer.mode – The association mode of the NTP server. Possible mode values
    • 0 - unspecified
    • 1 - symmetricActive
    • 2 - symmetricPassive
    • 3 - client
    • 4 - server
    • 5 - broadcast
    • 6 - reservedControl
    • 7 - reservedPrivate.
    1. cisco.ntp.peer.mode.change – It represents whether NTP Peer mode changed or not. Defined some custom states to alert when NTP Peer mode changed from one state to another state.
    • Here are those custom states
      • 0 - MODE_NOT_CHANGED
      • 1 - MODE_CHANGED.
    • Here are actual NTP Peer modes
      • 0 - unspecified
      • 1 - symmetricActive
      • 2 - symmetricPassive
      • 3 - client
      • 4 - server
      • 5 - broadcast
      • 6 - reservedControl
      • 7 - reservedPrivate.
    1. – The local time at the peer,when its latest NTP message was sent. This time is in seconds relative to 00:00 on 1 January 1900. If the peer becomes unreachable the value is set to zero.

    Note: Implemented this template by taking CISCO-NTP-MIB as a reference. And that MIB was defined by referring to: D.L. Mills,‘Network Time Protocol (Version 3)',RFC-1305,March 1992,Sections 2,3.2.1.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco NTP Peer Stats - Extcisco.ntp.peer.offsetNTP Peer Offset (Seconds)sThe estimated offset of the peer clock relative to the local clock,in seconds.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersOffset -,cntpPeersPeerName -]
cisco.ntp.peer.delayNTP Peer Delay (Seconds)sThe estimated round-trip delay of the peer clock relative to the local clock over the network path between them,in seconds.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersDelay -,cntpPeersPeerName -]
cisco.ntp.peer.dispersionNTP Peer Dispersion (Seconds)sThe estimated maximum error of the peer clock relative to the local clock over the network path between them,in seconds.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersDispersion -,cntpPeersPeerName -]
cisco.ntp.peer.root.delayNTP Peer Root Delay (Seconds)sThe total round-trip delay in seconds,from the peer to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersRootDelay -,cntpPeersPeerName -]
cisco.ntp.peer.root.dispersionNTP Peer Root Dispersion (Seconds)sThe maximum error in seconds,of the peer clock relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersRootDispersion -,cntpPeersPeerName -]
cisco.ntp.peer.modeNTP Peer ModeThe association mode of the NTP server. Possible values and their descriptions are 0 - unspecified,1 - symmetric active (A host operating in this mode sends periodic messages regardless of the reachability state or stratum of its peer. By operating in this mode the host announces its willingness to synchronize and be synchronized by the peer),2 - symmetric passive (This type of association is ordinarily created upon arrival of a message from a peer operating in the symmetric active mode and persists only as long as the peer is reachable and operating at a stratum level less than or equal to the host; otherwise,the association is dissolved. However,the association will always persist until at least one message has been sent in reply. By operating in this mode the host announces its willingness to synchronize and be synchronized by the peer),3 - client (A host operating in this mode sends periodic messages regardless of the reachability state or stratum of its peer. By operating in this mode the host,usually a LAN workstation,announces its willingness to be synchronized by,but not to synchronize the peer),4 - server (This type of association is ordinarily created upon arrival of a client request message and exists only in order to reply to that request,after which the association is dissolved. By operating in this mode the host,usually a LAN time server,announces its willingness to synchronize,but not to be synchronized by the peer),5 - broadcast (A host operating in this mode sends periodic messages regardless of the reachability state or stratum of the peers. By operating in this mode the host,usually a LAN time server operating on a high-speed broadcast medium,announces its willingness to synchronize all of the peers,but not to be synchronized by any of them),6 - reserved for NTP control messages,7 - reserved for private use.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersMode -]
cisco.ntp.peer.mode.changeNTP Peer Mode ChangeIt represents whether NTP Peer mode changed or not. Defined some custom states to alert when NTP Peer mode changed from one state to another state. Here are those custom states,0 - MODE_NOT_CHANGED,1 - MODE_CHANGED. And here are actual NTP Peer modes,0 - unspecified,1 - symmetricActive,2 - symmetricPassive,3 - client,4 - server,5 - broadcast,6 - reservedControl,7 - reservedPrivate.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersMode -] Peer TimesThe local time at the peer,when its latest NTP message was sent. This time is in seconds relative to 00:00 on 1 January 1900. If the peer becomes unreachable the value is set to zero.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersOrgTime -]
Cisco NTP Peer Stratum and Reachabilitycisco.ntp.peer.stratumNTP Peer StratumIt monitors the stratum of the peer clock.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersStratum -]
cisco.ntp.peer.reachabilityNTP Peer ReachabilityA shift register of used to determine the reachability status of the peer,with bits entering from the least significant (rightmost) end. A peer is considered reachable if at least one bit in this register is set to one i.e,if the value of this object is non-zero. The data in the shift register would be populated by the NTP protocol procedures.[CISCO-NTP-MIB::cntpPeersPeerAddress -,cntpPeersReach -]

Cisco Presence Server - G2


Monitors the Cisco Presence server performance metrics like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,Disk Utilization,Virtual Memory Usage and monitors statistics like IM sessions,Inbound SIP Subscriptions,Outbound SIP Subscriptions,Connected XMPP clients.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Presence Serverxmpp.connected.countNumber of connected XMPP clientsCurrent number of XMPP clients connected to the Cisco XCP Connection Manager on an individual IM and Presence server.
sip.activeoutbound.countNumber of active outbound SIP subscriptionsView the current number of active outgoing SIP Subscriptions being maintained by the Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager service on the IM and Presence server.
sip.activeinbound.countNumber of active inbound SIP subscriptionsView the current number of active inbound SIP Subscriptions being maintained by the Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager service on the IM and Presence server.
im.sessions.countNumber of IM sessionsThis counter gives the total number of IM sessions on the IM and Presence node across all users.
cisco.presence.memory.freeCisco Presence Memory FreeKBCisco Presence Memory Free
cisco.presence.db.replication.failureState of ReplicationThis counter represents the state of replication. An alert will be created when the replication state is equal to 3. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed. An alert is generated when the replication state is equal to 3 or 4.
cisco.presence.disk.swap.utilCisco Presence Disk Swap Utilization%Cisco Presence disk swap utilization.
cisco.presence.disk.utilizationCisco Presence Disk Utilization%The total amout of disk space used on this file system.
cisco.presence.virtual.memory.freeCisco Presence Virtual Memory FreeKBCisco Presence Virtual Memory Free.
cisco.presence.memory.utilizationCisco Presence Memory Utilization%This counter displays the system physical memory utilization as a percentage. The value of this counter equals (Total KBytes - Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes - Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes) / Total KBytes,which also corresponds to the Used KBytes/Total KBytes.
cisco.presence.virtual.memory.utilCisco Presence Virtual Memory Utilization%This counter displays the system virtual memory utilization as a percentage. The value of this counter equals (Total KBytes - Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes - Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes + Used Swap KBytes) / (Total KBytes + Total Swap KBytes),which also corresponds to Used VM KBytes/Total VM KBytes.

Cisco QoS ClassMap Statistics


It monitors Cisco QoS ClassMap Statistics like Pre Policy Bitrate per second,Traffic sent after QoS processing,Dropped Packets count and Traffic dropped as a result of QoS processing.

No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco QoS ClassMap Statisticscisco.qos.classmap.pre.policy.rateQoS ClassMap Pre Policy Bit RatebpsIt monitors QoS Class map inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies. It counts the inbound octets and evaluates bit rate(bits per second).[CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB:: or] ClassMap Post Policy Bit RatebpsIt monitors QoS Class map outbound octets after executing QoS policies. It counts the outbound octets and evaluates bit rate(bits per second).[CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB:: or]
cisco.qos.classmap.drop.packets.countQoS ClassMap Drop Packets CountIt monitors QoS Class map dropped packets per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g.,police,random detect,etc.). It evaluates the metric value by subtracting previous monitoring poll value from current monitoring poll value [i.e Current_Poll_Drop_Packets - Prev_Poll_Drop_Packets].[CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB:: or]
cisco.qos.classmap.drop.rateQoS ClassMap Drop Bit RatebpsIt monitors QoS Class map dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g.,police,random detect,etc.). Traffic dropped as a result of QoS processing. It counts the dropped bytes in the monitoring period and evaluates metric value in bps (bits per second).[CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB:: or]

Cisco SB (Small Business) Hardware


Monitors Cisco SB (Small Business) products main power supply status,temperature sensor status,fan status. Validated on CISCO SB switches with model : SG200,SG300 - 52,SG300-28P,SG500X-24P.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco SB Hardware - SB Fan StatusProvides the mandatory state of the fan being instrumented. Possible status values are 1- Normal,2- Warning,3- Critical,4- Shutdown,5- Not Present,6- Not Functioning. Alert is generated when status is equal to 2- Warning,3- Critical,4- Shutdown,6- Not Functioning.[OID:].
Cisco SB Hardware - Power SB Power Supply StatusProvides the mandatory state of the power supply being instrumented. Possible status values are 1- Normal,2- Warning,3- Critical,4- Shutdown,5- Not Present,6- Not Functioning. Alert is generated when status is equal to 2- Warning,3- Critical,4- Shutdown,6- Not Functioning.[OID:]
Cisco SB Hardware - SB Temperature Sensor StatusProvides the status value for the Sensor being instrumented.Possible status values are 1- Ok,2- Unavailable,3- Non Operational. Alert is generated when status is equal to 3- Non Operational.[OID:].

Cisco SB (Small Business) System Performance


Monitors Cisco SB (Small Business) product CPU utilization and uptime. Validated on SG200,SG300 - 52,SG300-28P and SG500X-24P.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco SB Switch System SB CPU Utilization%Percentage of the device CPU utilization during the last 5 minutes. Alert is generated when this value exceeds the given threshold. If rlCpuUtilEnable == true then only returning CPU utilization else returning zero.[OID :,].
SNMP Engine Uptimesystem.uptimeSNMP Engine UptimesThe number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.[OID :]

Cisco Sensor Status - G2


This template monitors sensor data for environmental monitors such as temperature gauges.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Sensor Statuscisco.entity.sensor.statusSensor StatusThis monitor indicates the present operational status of the sensor. Possible values are 1- Ok,2- Unavailable,3- Non Operational. It generates critical alert only if sensor operational status is 3(Non Operational) and generated warning alert if sensor operational status in 2(unavailable)

Cisco Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel Status


Monitors the Cisco Phase-1 IKE Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel Status. This template will be supported by VG v2.70 or above [CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB.mib]


SNMP should be enabled in end device and device should support CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB OIDs and SNMP credentials should be attached against the device in portal.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel (IKE) Statuscisco.vpn.ike.tunnel.statusVPN IKE Phase-1 tunnel statusMonitors the Cisco Phase-1 (IKE) Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel Status.[OID:]

Cisco Stack Switch Port Status - G2


Applicable on Cisco Stack wise devices,monitors the stack wise switch status,port operation status,power port status etc.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Stackwise Stack Port Operational Statuscisco.stackwise.stackport.operationalstatusCisco Stackwise Stack Port Operational StatusProvides the state of the stackport. Up - Connected and operational. down - Not connected to a neighbouring switch or administrative down. forcedDown - Shut down by stack manager due to mismatch or stackport errors. Possible value status are 1- Up,2- Down. { CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB::cswStackPortOperStatus[OID:] }
Cisco Stackwise Stack Power Port Statuscisco.stackwise.stackpowerport.operationalstatusCisco Stackwise Stack Power Port Oper StatusProvides the object is used to either set or unset the operational status of the stack port. Possible value status are 1- Enabled,2- Disabled. { CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB::cswStackPowerPortOperStatus[OID:] }
cisco.stackwise.stackpowerport.linkstatusCisco Stackwise Stack Power Port Link StatusProvides the object is used to describe the link status of the stack port. Possible value status are 1- Up,2- Down. { CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB::cswStackPowerPortLinkStatus [OID:] }
Cisco Stackwise Switch Statecisco.stackwise.switch.stateCisco Stackwise Switch StateThe current state of a switch: waiting - Waiting for a limited time on other switches in the stack to come online. progressing - Master election or mismatch checks in progress. added - The switch is added to the stack. ready - The switch is operational. sdmMismatch - The SDM template configured on the master is not supported by the new member. verMismatch - The operating system version running on the master is different from the operating system version running on this member. featureMismatch - Some of the features configured on the master are not supported on this member. newMasterInit - Waiting for the new master to finish initialization after master switchover (Master Re-Init). provisioned - The switch is not an active member of the stack. invalid - The switchs state machine is in an invalid state. removed - The switch is removed from the stack. Possible value staus are 1- Waiting,2- Progressing 3- added,4 - Ready,5 -SdmMismatch,6 - VerMismatch,7 - Feature Mismatch 8 - New MasterInit,9 - provisioned,10 - Invalid,11 - Removed. { CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB::cswSwitchState[OID:] }.

Cisco Stack Switch Status - G2


Monitors runtime status for chassis,modules,ports,alarms etc.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Stack Switch Chassis Monitorscisco.stack.minor.alarmMinor AlarmThe chassis minor alarm status. Possible values for this monitor (1: off,2: on).[OID:]
cisco.stack.major.alarmMajor AlarmThe chassis major alarm status. Possible values for this monitor (1: off,2: on).[OID:]
cisco.stack.temp.alarmTemperature AlarmThe chassis temperature alarm status. Possible values for this monitor (1: off,2: on,3: critical).[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch Chassis Ps1 Statuscisco.stack.chassis.ps1.statusChassis PS 1 StatusStatus of power supply number 1. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch Chassis Ps2 Statuscisco.stack.chassis.ps2.statusChassis PS 2 StatusStatus of power supply number 2. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch Chassis Ps3 Statuscisco.stack.chassis.ps3.statusChassis PS 3 StatusStatus of power supply number 3. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault). This object is only supported by systems that can have 3 or more power supplies.[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch Fan Fan StatusStatus of the chassis fan. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch HA Statuscisco.stack.ha.statusHA StatusIndicates the operational status of High System Availability feature. Possible values for this monitor (1: running,2: notRunning).[OID:,]
Cisco Stack Switch Module Statuscisco.stack.module.statusModule StatusThe operational status of the module. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:,]
Cisco Stack Switch Operational Statuscisco.stack.statusStack StatusThe operational status of the system. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:]
Cisco Stack Switch Port Oper Statuscisco.stack.port.oper.statusPort Oper StatusThe current operational status of the port. Possible values for this monitor (1: other,2: ok,3: minorFault,4: majorFault).[OID:]

Cisco Switch Cluster Status - G2


Monitors the status of cluster management connectivity between the command switch and a cluster member in Cisco switches.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Switch Cluster Statuscisco.switch.cluster.statusSwitch Cluster StatusMonitors the status of cluster management connectivity between the command switch and a cluster member. Cluster management connectivity is determined by the exchange of cluster management messages between the command switch and a cluster member. A member that has failed to exchange cluster management messages with the command switch is deemed to be inactive. Otherwise,it is deemed to be active. Possible Values are 1- active,2- inactive.[OIDs:,]

Cisco System Performance - G2


This template can be applied on all Cisco devices. Monitors uptime,CPU usage,Memory usage and Contiguous Memory free. New template using new SNMP monitoring engine.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilizationcisco.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%CPU utilization is a key performance metric. It is the percentage of time the processor spends doing work (as opposed to being idle). It can be used to track CPU performance regressions or improvements and is a useful data point for performance problem investigations.[OIDs:]
Cisco Memorycisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%Monitors the memory utilization of all memory pools like processor pool,I/O pool,Fast pool etc.[OID:,,,]
cisco.memory.pool.largest.freeLargest Memory FreeKBMonitors the largest contiguous block of memory free.[OID:,]
SNMP Engine Uptimesystem.uptimeSNMP Engine UptimesThe number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.[OID :]

Cisco System Performance - Old IOS Release


Monitors parameters like cpu utilization,memory utilization and uptime. It applies on Cisco IOS software release later to 12.0(3)T and prior to 12.2(3.5).


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilization - Old IOS Releasecisco.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%CPU utilization is a key performance metric. It is the percentage of time the processor spends doing work (as opposed to being idle). It can be used to track CPU performance regressions or improvements and is a useful data point for performance problem investigations.[OIDs:]
Cisco Memorycisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%Monitors the memory utilization of all memory pools like processor pool,I/O pool,Fast pool etc.[OID:,,,]
cisco.memory.pool.largest.freeLargest Memory FreeKBMonitors the largest contiguous block of memory free.[OID:,]
SNMP Engine Uptimesystem.uptimeSNMP Engine UptimesThe number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.[OID :]

Cisco System Performance Using Enhanced Memory MIB - G2


Monitors Cisco parameters like Cisco IDS total CPU 1 minute and Cisco IDS memory pool utilization.[CISCO-PROCESS-MIB] - cpmCPUTotal1minRev(; [CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB] - cempMemPoolName,cempMemPoolUsed,cempMemPoolFree.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilization - Utilization in Last 1 Minute%The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute period.[OID:]
Cisco Memory Utilization - CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIBcisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%It monitors the memory utilization of each memory pool except lsmpi_io memory pool.[OIDs: cempMemPoolUsed -,cempMemPoolFree -]
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Cisco System Performance Using Old Cisco MIBS - G2


Monitors Cisco system performance parameters like CPU Utilization using old cisco mib,Memory utilizatilization and uptime. It is applicable on Cisco IOS Software releases prior to 12.0(3)T.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco IOSd CPU Utilizationcisco.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%5 minute exponentially-decayed moving average of the CPU busy percentage.[OID -]
Cisco Memory Utilization - 64 bitcisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%It monitors the memory utilization of each memory pool except pool type lsmpi_io.[OIDs: cempMemPoolHCUsed -,cempMemPoolHCFree -]
cisco.memory.pool.largest.freeLargest Memory FreeKBMonitors the largest contiguous block of memory free.[OID: cempMemPoolHCLargestFree -]
SNMP Engine Uptimesystem.uptimeSNMP Engine UptimesThe number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.[OID :]

Cisco System Performance Using System EXT MIB - G2


Monitors Cisco parameters like average utilization of memory,average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor and uptime since the entire system was last re-initialized.[CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB] - cseSysCPUUtilization(; [CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB] - cseSysMemoryUtilization(; [CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB] - cseSysUpTime(


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco System Performance - CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIBnexus.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%The average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor.[OID -]
nexus.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%The average utilization of memory on the active supervisor.[OID -]
system.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time (in seconds) since the entire system was last re-initialized as a result of reload.[CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB] - cseSysUpTime(

Cisco UCM SNMP - Consolidated


SNMP based template to monitor Cisco UCM components like CCM Availability,CCM Phone Registration Status,CCM Gateway Registration Status,CCM Inventory Monitoring,CCM Media Device Registration Status,CCM CTI Device Registration Status,CTI Device Status and CCM VMD Registration Status.


Device should support all tables in CISCO-CCM-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CCM Availabilityccm.avaiabilityCCM AvailabilityProvides the current status of the call manager
CCM CTI Device Registration Statusccm.ctidevice.inventory.statusCCM CTI Device Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a CTI device with the local call manager.
The CTI device status changes from Unknown to Registered when the CTI device registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are
:- unknown(1): The registration status of the CTI device is unknown,registered
(2): The CTI device has successfully registered with the local call manager,unregistered
(3): The CTI device is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the CTI device was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
CCM Gateway Registration Statusccm.gateway.inventory.statusCCM Gateway Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a gateway with the local call manager.
The Gateway status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Gateway registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are
:- unknown(1): The registration status of the gateway is unknown,registered
(2): The gateway has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The gateway is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the gateway was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager (applicable only to SIP phones).
CCM Inventory Monitoringcisco.ccm.registered.gatewaysCCM Registered Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.gatewaysCCM Unregistered Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.gatewaysCCM Rejected Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.vmdsCCM Registered VMDs CountProvides the number of voice messaging devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.vmdsCCM Unregistered VMDs CountProvides the number of voice messaging devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.vmdsCCM Rejected VMDs CountProvides the umber of voice messaging devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.ctidevicesCCM Registered CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.ctidevicesCCM Unregistered CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.ctidevicesCCM Rejected CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.mediadevicesCCM Registered Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.mediadevicesCCM Unregistered Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.mediadevicesCCM Rejected Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.phonesCCM Registered Phones CountProvides the number of phones that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.phonesCCM Unregistered Phones CountProvides the number of phone that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.phonesCCM Rejected Phones CountProvides the number of phones whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.partialregistered.phonesCCM Partially Registered Phones CountProvides the number of phones that are partially registered with the local call manager.[OID:]
CCM Media Device Registration Statusccm.mediadevice.inventory.statusCCM Media Device Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a Media device with the local call manager.
The Media device status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Media device registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:
unknown(1): The registration status of the Media device is unknown,
registered(2): The Media device has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The Media device is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the Media device was rejected by the local call manager,partiallyregistered
(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
CCM Phone Registration Phone Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a phone with the local call manager. The phone status changes from Unknown to Registered when the phone registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:
unknown(1): The registration status of the phone is unknown,
registered(2): The phone has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The phone is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the phone was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
[OIDs:,,,,,]Additional Info:
1) The name of the phone can be + MAC Address,where is SEP for Cisco SCCP and SIP Phones. In the case of other phones such as communicator (soft phone) it can be free-form name,a string which uniquely identifies the phone.
2) Phone Unregistered Reason: The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3). Unregistered reason can be one of the following:
3) Phone Registration Failure Reason: The reason code associated with registration failed phone.
This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3).
Registration failure reason can be one of the following:
CCM VMD Registration Statusccm.vmd.inventory.statusCCM VMD Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a Voice Messaging Device (VMD) with the local call manager. The VMD status changes from Unknown to Registered when the VMD registers itself with the local CUCM.
Possible values are:- unknown(1): The registration status of the VMD is unknown,registered(2): The VMD has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The VMD is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the VMD was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
CTI Device Statusccm.cti.device.statusCCM CTI Device StatusProvides the status of the CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) Device. The CTI Device status changes from unknown to registered when it registers itself with the local CCM. Possible status values are : unknown(1),registered(2),unregistered(3),rejected(4),partiallyregistered(5) . Alert is generated when the metric value is NOT EQUAL to 2 (registered).[OIDs :,,]

Cisco UCS B-Series BladeServer Performance


Cisco UCS B-Series BladeServer Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS B-Series BladeServer Performanceucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperabilityCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operpowerCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperpowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operpower
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperstateCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeBlade PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.operabilityCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.operstateCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.powerCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit PowerNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Power
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.presenceCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.thermalCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit ThermalNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.cpu.voltageCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit VoltageNULLCISCO UCS ProcessorUnit Voltage
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.operabilityCISCO UCS MemoryUnit OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.operstateCISCO UCS MemoryUnit OperstateNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.powerCISCO UCS MemoryUnit PowerNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Power
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.presenceCISCO UCS MemoryUnit PresenceNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.thermalCISCO UCS MemoryUnit ThermalNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.mem.voltageCISCO UCS MemoryUnit VoltageNULLCISCO UCS MemoryUnit Voltage
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.operabilityCISCO UCS MemoryArray OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.operstateCISCO UCS MemoryArray OperstateNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.powerCISCO UCS MemoryArray PowerNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Power
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.presenceCISCO UCS MemoryArray PresenceNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.thermalCISCO UCS MemoryArray ThermalNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.memarray.voltageCISCO UCS MemoryArray VoltageNULLCISCO UCS MemoryArray Voltage
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeBoard OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.operpowerCISCO UCS ComputeBoard operpowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard operpower
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeBoard OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.powerCISCO UCS ComputeBoard PowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Power
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeBoard PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.operabilityCISCO UCS StorageController OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.operstateCISCO UCS StorageController OperstateNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.powerCISCO UCS StorageController PowerNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Power
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.presenceCISCO UCS StorageController PresenceNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.thermalCISCO UCS StorageController ThermalNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.storagesas.voltageCISCO UCS StorageController VoltageNULLCISCO UCS StorageController Voltage
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeBoard ThermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeboard.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeBoard VoltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBoard Voltage

Cisco UCS B-Series Chassis Performance


Cisco UCS B-Series Chassis Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS B-Series Chassis Performanceucs.sys.chassis.configstateCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis ConfigstateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Configstate
ucs.sys.chassis.connstatusCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis ConnstatusNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Connstatus
ucs.sys.chassis.fsmstatusCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis FSMStatusNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis FSMStatus
ucs.sys.chassis.licstateCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis LICStateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis LICState
ucs.sys.chassis.operabilityCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis OperabilityCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.operstateCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis OperstateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.powerCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis PowerNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Power
ucs.sys.chassis.presenceCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis PresenceNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.thermalCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis ThermalNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentChassis Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperabilityCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operpowerCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperpowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operpower
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeBlade OperstateCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.computeblade.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeBlade PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeBlade Presence UCS Fan OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS Fan Operability UCS Fan OperstateNULLCISCO UCS Fan Operstate UCS Fan PowerNULLCISCO UCS Fan Power UCS Fan ThermalNULLCISCO UCS Fan Thermal UCS Fan VoltageNULLCISCO UCS Fan Voltage UCS Fan PresenceCISCO UCS Fan Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.operabilityCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.operstateCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu OperstateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.powerCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu PowerNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Power
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.presenceCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu PresenceNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.thermalCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu ThermalNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.psu.voltageCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu VoltageNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentPsu Voltage
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.adminpowerstateCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard AdminPowerStateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard AdminPowerState
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.configstateCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard ConfigStateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard ConfigState
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.fsmstatusCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard FsmStatusNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard FsmStatus
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.operabilityCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Operability
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.operstateCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard OperstateNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Operstate
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.powerCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard PowerNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Power
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.presenceCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard PresenceNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Presence
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.thermalCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard ThermalNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Thermal
ucs.sys.chassis.equipmentiocard.voltageCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard VoltageNULLCISCO UCS EquipmentIOCard Voltage

Cisco UCS B-Series FabricExtender Performance


Cisco UCS B-Series FabricExtender Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS B-Series FabricExtender Performanceucs.sys.equipmentfex.configstateucs.sys.equipmentfex.configstateNULLucs.sys.equipmentfex.configstate

Cisco UCS B-Series NetworkElement Performance


Cisco UCS B-Series NetworkElement Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS B-Series NetworkElement Performanceucs.sys.switch.operabilityCISCO UCS Switch operabilityNULLCISCO UCS Switch operability
ucs.sys.switch.psu.operabilityCISCO UCS Switch PSU operabilityNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU operability
ucs.sys.switch.psu.operstateCISCO UCS Switch PSU operstateNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU operstate
ucs.sys.switch.psu.powerCISCO UCS Switch PSU powerNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU power
ucs.sys.switch.psu.presenceCISCO UCS Switch PSU presenceNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU presence
ucs.sys.switch.psu.thermalCISCO UCS Switch PSU thermalNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU thermal
ucs.sys.switch.psu.voltageCISCO UCS Switch PSU voltageNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU voltage
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.operabilityCISCO UCS SwitchCard operabilityNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard operability
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.operstateCISCO UCS SwitchCard operstateNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard operstate
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.powerCISCO UCS SwitchCard powerNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard power
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.presenceCISCO UCS SwitchCard presenceNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard presence
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.stateCISCO UCS SwitchCard stateCISCO UCS SwitchCard state
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.thermalCISCO UCS SwitchCard thermalNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard thermal
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.voltageCISCO UCS SwitchCard voltageNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard voltage
ucs.sys.switch.thermalCISCO UCS Switch thermalNULLCISCO UCS Switch thermal
ucs.sys.switch.slot.switchfc.port.operstateucs.sys.switch.slot.switchfc.port.operstateNULLucs.sys.switch.slot.switchfc.port.operstate UCS Switch Fan operabilityNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan operability UCS Switch Fan operstateNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan operstate UCS Switch Fan powerNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan power UCS Switch Fan presenceNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan presence UCS Switch Fan thermalNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan thermal UCS Switch Fan voltageNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan voltage

Cisco UCS B-Series RackServer Performance


Cisco UCS B-Series RackServer Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS B-Series RackServer Performanceucs.sys.computerackunit.compuateboard.storagelocaldiskslotep.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit StorageLocalDiskSlotEp OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit StorageLocalDiskSlotEp Operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.compuateboard.storagelocaldiskslotep.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit StorageLocalDiskSlotEp PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit StorageLocalDiskSlotEp Presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.perfCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit PerfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Perf
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.powerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit PowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Power
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit ThermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Thermal
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.mem.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit VoltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryUnit Voltage
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.perfCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray PerfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Perf
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.powerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray PowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Power
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray ThermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Thermal
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.memarray.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray VoltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit MemoryArray Voltage
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard Operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.operpowerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard OperpowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard Operpower
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard Operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.perfCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard perfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard perf
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.powerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard PowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard Power
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard PresenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard Presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit OperabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit Operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit processorunit OperstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit processorunit Operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.perfCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit perfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit perf
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.powerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit powerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit power
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit presenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit thermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit thermal
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit voltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ProcessorUnit voltage
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard thermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard thermal
ucs.sys.computerackunit.computeboard.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard voltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit ComputeBoard voltage
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU operabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU operstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.perfCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU perfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU perf
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.powerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU powerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU power
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU presenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU presence
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.thermalCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU thermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU thermal
ucs.sys.computerackunit.equipmentpsu.voltageCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU voltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit EquipmentPSU voltage UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan operabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan operability UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan operstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan operstate UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan perfNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan perf UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan powerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan power UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan presenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan presence UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan thermalNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan thermal UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan voltageNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit Fan voltage
ucs.sys.computerackunit.operabilityCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operabilityNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operability
ucs.sys.computerackunit.operpowerCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operpowerNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operpower
ucs.sys.computerackunit.operstateCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operstateNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit operstate
ucs.sys.computerackunit.presenceCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit presenceNULLCISCO UCS ComputeRackUnit presence

Cisco UCS C Series - API Based


Cisco UCS C Series - API Based


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NE - Cisco UCS C-Series RackServer Performanceucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.operstateucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.operstateNULLucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.processorunit.operstate

Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Server - G2


Applicable on the Cisco UCS Standalone C-Series servers. Monitors the operational status of fan,power,storage,raid battery,chassis and memory . Tested on Cisco C-200 server.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS Chassis Statusucs.chassis.statusUCS Chassis Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment chassis distinguished name (DN),admin state and the operational status. Possible admin states are 1- Acknowledged,2- Re Acknowledge,3- Decommission,4- Remove,5- Enable Port Channel,6- Disable Port Channel,7- Auto Acknowledge. Possible equipment chassis operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,,]
Cisco UCS Fan Module Fan Module Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment fan module distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible equipment fan module operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Fan Fan Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment fan distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible equipment fan operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS FEX Statusucs.fabric.extender.statusUCS Fabric Extender Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment Fabric Extender (FEX) distinguished name (DN),admin state and the operational status. Possible admin states are 1- Acknowledged,2- Re Acknowledge,3- Decommission,4- Remove,5- Enable Port Channel,6- Disable Port Channel,7- Auto Acknowledge. Possible equipment fex operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,,]
Cisco UCS IO Card Statusucs.iocard.statusUCS IO Card Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment IOCard distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible equipment IOCard operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Memory Array Statusucs.memory.array.statusUCS Memory Array Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS memory array distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible memory array operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Memory Buffer Unit Statusucs.memory.buffer.unit.statusUCS Memory Buffer Unit Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS memory buffer unit distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible memory buffer unit operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Memory Unit Statusucs.memory.unitstatusUCS Memory Unit Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS memory unit distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible memory unit operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Processor Unit Statusucs.proessor.unit.statusUCS Processor Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS processor unit distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible processor unit operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS PSU PSU Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment Power Supply Unit (PSU) distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible equipment PSU operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Storage Controller Storage Controller Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS storage controller distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible storage controller operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Storage Local LUNs Storage Local LUNs StatusProvides the Cisco UCS storage local logical unit numbers (LUNs) distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible storage local logical unit numbers (LUNs) operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Storage Logical Disk Slot Storage Logical Disk Slot StatusProvides the Cisco UCS storage logical disk slot distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible storage logical disk slot operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Storage Logical Disk Storage Logical Disk StatusProvides the Cisco UCS storage logical disk distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible storage logical disk operational states are 0-Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7- Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed FRU,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Storage Raid Battery Storage Raid Battery Operational StatusProvides the Cisco UCS storage raid battery distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible storage raid battery operational states are 0- Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7-Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed Fru,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto Upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]
Cisco UCS Switch Card Statusucs.switch.card.statusUCS Switch Card Operational StateProvides the Cisco UCS equipment switch card distinguished name (DN) and the operational status. Possible equipment switch card operational states are 0-Unknown,1- Operable,2- Inoperable,3- Degraded,4- Powered Off,5- Power Problem,6- Removed,7- Voltage Problem,8- Thermal Problem,9- Performance Problem,10- Accessibility Problem,11- Identity Unestablishable,12- Bios Post Timeout,13- Disabled,14- Malformed FRU,51- Fabric Connection Problem,52- Fabric Unsupported Connection,81- Config,82- Equipment Problem,83- Decomissioning,84- Chassis Limit Exceeded,100- Not Supported,101- Discovery,102- Discovery Failed,103- Identify,104- Post Failure,105- Upgrade Problem,106- Peer Communication Problem,107- Auto upgrade,108- Link Activate Blocked.[OIDs:,]

Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Server Health


Monitors the cisco UCS C-Series rack server parameters power supply status,admin state,availability state,operation status,memory used.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Server Healthcisco_ucs_RackUnitAvailabilityCisco UCS Rack Unit AvailabilityMonitors the availability state of rack unit.[CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB::cucsComputeRackUnitAvailability:]
cisco_ucs_RackUnitMemoryUsedCisco UCS Rack Unit Memory UsedBytesMonitors the cisco UCS rack unit memory used.[CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB::cucsComputeRackUnitTotalMemory:,cucsComputeRackUnitAvailableMemory:]
cisco_ucs_RackUnitAdminPowerCisco UCS Rack Unit Admin PowerMonitors the power state of the Rack Unit.[CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB::cucsComputeRackUnitAdminPower:]
cisco_ucs_RackUnitOperStateCisco UCS Rack Unit Operating StateMonitors the cisco UCS rack unit operating state.[CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB::cucsComputeRackUnitOperState:]
cisco_ucs_RackUnitAdminStateCisco UCS Rack Unit Admin StateMonitors the cisco UCS rack unit admin state.[CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-TC-MIB::cucsComputeRackUnitAdminState:]

Cisco UCS C-Series RackServer Performance


Cisco UCS C-Series RackServer Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UCS C-Series RackServer Performanceucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.memoryarray.mem.operabilityucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.memoryarray.mem.operabilityNULLucs.topsystem.computerackunit.computeboard.memoryarray.mem.operability

Cisco UCS Faults - G2


Monitoring template for Cisco UCS faults. Sends alerts on all faults.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CISCO UCS All Faultscisco.ucs.fault.countCISCO UCS Fault CountCISCO UCS Fault Count

Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) Monitoring - SNMP


Monitors CUBE SIP retries statistics,RTP Jitter,UDP Jitter,ICMP Jitter,Dail Peer Statistics,PRI Number of Active Calls,Cisco Voice Gateway Active Calls Total,Cisco Dail Peers Calls Usage,Cisco IP Interface Active Media Calls,Cisco Call Arrival Rate,Cisco Transcoding Sessions Statistics,Cisco Transcoding Session Statistics Per-Profile,Cisco MTP Session Statistics,Cisco MTP Session Statistics Per-Profile.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Call Arrival Arrival RateIt represents the number of calls connected during the last monitoring period duration(cvCallRateMonitorTime).[OID:]
Cisco Dial Peers Calls Usagedial.peer.incoming.callsIncoming calls - TotalIt represents the total number of active calls that has selected the dialpeer as an incoming dialpeer.[OID:]
dial.peer.outgoing.callsOutgoing calls - TotalIt represents the total number of active calls that has selected the dialpeer as an outgoing dialpeer.[OID:]
Cisco IP Interface Active Media Active Media Calls - TotalIt represents the total number of inbound active media calls through this IP interface.[OIDs:] Active Media Calls - TotalIt represents the total number of outbound active media calls through this IP interface.[OIDs:]
Cisco IP SLA ICMP Jitter Operation Stats - SNMPcisco.rttmon.jitter.icmp.avgjitterAvg Jitter (SD and DS)msThe average of positive and negative jitter values in Source-to-Destionation and Destination-to-Source direction.[OID:]
Cisco MTP Session Statisticscdsp.mtp.sess.availTotal MTP Sessions AvailableIt represents the total number of MTP sessions available for the voice gateway. The value is equal to summation of all the values returned by MTP profile object cdspMtpProfileMaxAvailHardSess.[OID:]
cdsp.mtp.sess.unusedTotal Unused MTP SessionsIt represents the Total of all unused HW MTP sessions across all configured profiles.[OID:]
Cisco MTP Session Statistics Per-Profilecdsp.mtp.hw.sess.avail.per.profileTotal Available MTP HW Sessions Per-ProfileIt represents the Number of Hardware MTP sessions available for the DSP profile given in cdspMtpProfileId.[OID:,]
Cisco SIP Retry Statisticscisco.sip.retry.invitesCisco SIP Retry Invites Per SecpsecMonitors the number of INVITE retries/sec that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.byesCisco SIP Retry Byes Per SecpsecMonitors the number of BYE retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.cancelsCisco SIP Retry Cancels Per SecpsecMonitors the number of CANCEL retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.registersCisco SIP Retry Registers Per SecpsecMonitors the number of REGISTER retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.responsesCisco SIP Retry Responses Per SecpsecMonitors number of Response (while expecting a ACK) retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.pracksCisco SIP Retry Pracks Per SecpsecMonitors the number of PRovisional ACKnowledgement retries sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.cometsCisco SIP Retry Comets Per SecpsecMonitors the number of COndition MET retries sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.reliable1xxrspsCisco SIP Retry Reliable1xxRsps Per SecpsecMonitors the number of Reliable 1xx Response retries sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.notifysCisco SIP Retry Notifys Per SecpsecMonitors the number of Notify retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.refersCisco SIP Retry Refers Per SecpsecMonitors the number of refer retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.infoCisco SIP Info Retries Per SecpsecMonitors the number of Info retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
cisco.sip.retry.subscribeCisco SIP Subscribe Retries Per SecpsecMonitors the number of Subscribe retries that have been sent by the user agent.[OID:]
Cisco Transcoding Session Statistics Per-Profilecdsp.transcode.sess.avail.per.profileTotal Available Transcode Sessions Per-ProfileIt represents the total number of available transcode sessions per transcode profile from the configured maximum transcode sessions per transcode profile for the voice gateway.[OID:]
cdsp.transcode.sess.max.per.profileMax Transcode Sessions Configured Per-ProfileNumber of transcoding sessions configured for the DSP profile given in cdspTranscodeProfileId.[OID:]
Cisco Transcoding Sessions Statisticscdsp.transcode.sess.availTotal Available Transcode SessionsIt represents the total number of transcode sessions available for the voice gateway. The value is equal to summation of all the values returned by transcode profile object cdspTranscodeProfileMaxAvailSess.[OID:]
cdsp.transcode.sess.unusedTotal Unused Transcode SessionsIt represents the total of all unused transcoding sessions across all configured profiles.[OID:]
Cisco Voice Gateway Active Calls Active CallsIt monitors the total number of active call legs in the voice gateway.[OID:]
Dial Peer Statisticsdial.peer.calls.successNumber of Calls succeedNumber of completed calls to this peer.[OID:]
dial.peer.calls.failedNumber of Calls FailedNumber of failed call attempts to this peer since system startup.[OID:]
dial.peer.calls.acceptedNumber of Calls AcceptedNumber of calls from this peer accepted since system startup.[OID:]
dial.peer.calls.refusedNumber of Calls RefusedNumber of calls from this peer refused since system startup.[OID:]
PRI Number of Active Number of Active CallsProvides the details of the number of active calls
RTP Jitter - CISCO-RTTMON-RTP-MIBcisco.rttmon.jitter.rtp.avgAvg RTP JittermsMonitors the average of inter-arrival jitter at source.[OID:]
UDP Jitter - CISCO-RTTMON-MIBcisco.rttmon.jitter.udp.avgAvg UDP JitterMonitors the average of positive and negative jitter values for SD and DS direction.[]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) Availability


Applicable on Cisco UCM versions 8.0,7.0 and 6.0. Monitors the current status of the Call Manager.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CCM Availabilityccm.avaiabilityCCM AvailabilityProvides the current status of the call manager [OID:,,,,,]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM)


Monitors the Cisco Unified Communications Manager performance metrics like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,Disk Utilization,Virtual Memory Usage and Out of resource metrics like Annunciator out of resources,Hardware conference out of resources,Music on hold out of resources,Media Termination Point out of resources,Transcoder out of resources,Software conference out of resources,Video conference requests out of resources,Video-streaming out of resources,Locations out of resources and monitors DB metrics like DB replication status and statistics metrics like Calls active,Calls in progress,Average expected delay and Heartbeat rate metrics like Call manger heartbeat rate,TFTP server heartbeat rate and metrics like Code red enter state,Code Yellow enter state.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Unified Communications Managercisco.ucm.memory.utilizationCisco UCM Memory utilization%This counter displays the system physical memory utilization as a percentage. The value of this counter equals (Total KBytes - Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes - Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes) / Total KBytes,which also corresponds to the Used KBytes/Total KB.
cisco.ucm.mtp.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM MTP Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted but failed to allocate an Cisco Media Termination Point (MTP) resource from one MTP device that is registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
cisco.ucm.sw.conference.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM SW Conference Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a software conference resource from those that are registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none were available.
cisco.ucm.db.replication.failureCisco UCM DB Replication FailureThis counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed.
cisco.ucm.tftp.server.heartbeatCisco UCM TFTP Server HeartbeatpminIt represents the heartbeat rate of the TFTP server. We are computing heartbeat rate per minute.
cisco.ucm.disk.utilizationCisco UCM Disk Utilization%Total percent of disk space used on this file system.
cisco.ucm.hw.conference.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM HW Conference Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a hardware conference resource from those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.ucm.moh.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM MOH Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that the Media Resource Manager attempted to allocate an Music on hold (MOH) resource when all available resources on all MOH servers that are registered with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager were already active.
cisco.ucm.registered.mgcp.gatewayCisco UCM Registered MGCP GatewayThis counter represents the number of Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) gateways that are currently registered in the system.
cisco.ucm.registered.hardware.phonesCisco UCM Registered Hardware PhonesThis counter represents the number of Cisco hardware IP phones that are currently registered in the system.
cisco.ucm.transcoder.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM Transcoder Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a transcoder resource from a transcoder device that is registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.ucm.memory.freeCisco UCM Memory FreeKBCisco UCM Memory Free.
cisco.ucm.disk.swap.utilCisco UCM Disk Swap Util%Cisco UCM disk swap instance utilization.
cisco.ucm.registered.analog.accessCisco UCM Registered Analog AccessThis counter represents the number of registered Cisco analog access gateways that are registered with system. The count does not include the number of Cisco analog access ports.
cisco.ucm.virtual.memory.freeCisco UCM Virtual Memory FreeKBCisco UCM Virtual Memory Free. UCM Video Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a video-streaming resource from one of the video conference bridge devices that is registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.ucm.registered.other.station.devicesCisco UCM Registered Other Station DevicesThis counter represents the number of station devices other than Cisco hardware IP phones that are currently registered in the system (for example,Cisco IP SoftPhone,CTI port,CTI route point,Cisco voice-mail port).
cisco.ucm.location.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM Location Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that a call through Locations failed due to the lack of bandwidth.
cisco.ucm.vcb.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM VCB Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of failed new video conference requests. A conference request can fail because,for example,the configured number of conferences is already in use.
cisco.ucm.virtual.memory.utilCisco UCM Virtual Memory Util%This counter displays the system virtual memory utilization as a percentage.
cisco.ucm.code.yellowCisco UCM Code YellowThis counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has entered or exited a Code Yellow state (call-throttling mode). Valid values include 0 (Exit) and 1 (Entry). CallManager has initiated call throttling due to unacceptably high delay in handling incoming calls. An alert is created when the system enters the Code Yellow state.
cisco.ucm.code.redCisco UCM Code RedThis counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has entered or exited a Code red state (call-throttling mode). Valid values include 0 (Exit) and 1 (Entry). CallManager is not able to recover,even after attempting call throttling. The CallManager service is shut down. An alert is created when the system enters the Code Red state.
cisco.ucm.avg.expected.delayCisco UCM Average Expected DelaymsThis counter represents the current average expected delay before any incoming message gets handled. Alert is created based on the threshold values. UCM Call Manager HeartbeatpminIt represents the heartbeat rate of the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server service. We are computing heartbeat rate per minute. UCM Calls active and in progressCalls active - This counter represents the number of voice or video streaming connections that are currently in use (active); in other words,the number of calls that actually have a voice path that is connected on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Calls in-progress - This counter represents the number of voice or video calls that are currently in progress on Cisco Unified Communications Manager,including all active calls. When a phone that is registered with Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) goes off hook,the CallsInProgress progress counter increments. until it goes back on hook. For Cisco Unified IP Phones 7902,7905,7912,7940,and 7960 that register with SIP,the CallsInProgress counter increments when the dial softkey is pressed. For all other phones that are running SIP,the CallsInProgress counter increments when the first digit is pressed. When all voice or video calls that are in progress are connected,the number of CallsInProgress represents the number of CallsActive. The counter decreases by one when a phone goes back on hook.
cisco.ucm.annunciator.out.of.resourcesCisco UCM Annunciator Out Of ResourcesThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate an annunciator resource from those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none were available.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Inventory Status Check


Monitors the devices currently available to the Call Manager. Monitors syslog messages,status and statistics (registered/unregistered/rejected devices count) for phones,gateways,CTI devices,media devices and voice messaging devices.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CCM CTI Device Registration Statusccm.ctidevice.inventory.statusCCM CTI Device Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a CTI device with the local call manager. The CTI device status changes from Unknown to Registered when the CTI device registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:- unknown(1): The registration status of the CTI device is unknown,registered(2): The CTI device has successfully registered with the local call manager,unregistered(3): The CTI device is no longer registered with the local call manager,rejected(4): Registration request from the CTI device was rejected by the local call manager,partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).[OIDs:,]
CCM Gateway Registration Statusccm.gateway.inventory.statusCCM Gateway Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a gateway with the local call manager. The Gateway status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Gateway registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:- unknown(1): The registration status of the gateway is unknown,registered(2): The gateway has successfully registered with the local call manager,unregistered(3): The gateway is no longer registered with the local call manager,rejected(4): Registration request from the gateway was rejected by the local call manager,partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager (applicable only to SIP phones).[OIDs:,]
CCM Inventory Monitoringcisco.ccm.registered.gatewaysCCM Registered Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.gatewaysCCM Unregistered Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.gatewaysCCM Rejected Gateways CountProvides the number of gateways whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.vmdsCCM Registered VMDs CountProvides the number of voice messaging devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.vmdsCCM Unregistered VMDs CountProvides the number of voice messaging devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.vmdsCCM Rejected VMDs CountProvides the umber of voice messaging devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.ctidevicesCCM Registered CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.ctidevicesCCM Unregistered CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.ctidevicesCCM Rejected CTI Devices CountProvides the number of CTI devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.mediadevicesCCM Registered Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.mediadevicesCCM Unregistered Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.mediadevicesCCM Rejected Media Devices CountProvides the number of media devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.registered.phonesCCM Registered Phones CountProvides the number of phones that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.unregistered.phonesCCM Unregistered Phones CountProvides the number of phone that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.rejected.phonesCCM Rejected Phones CountProvides the number of phones whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.[OID:]
cisco.ccm.partialregistered.phonesCCM Partially Registered Phones CountProvides the number of phones that are partially registered with the local call manager.[OID:]
CCM Media Device Registration Statusccm.mediadevice.inventory.statusCCM Media Device Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a Media device with the local call manager. The Media device status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Media device registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:
unknown(1): The registration status of the Media device is unknown,
registered(2): The Media device has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The Media device is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the Media device was rejected by the local call manager,partiallyregistered
(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
CCM Phone Registration Phone Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a phone with the local call manager. The phone status changes from Unknown to Registered when the phone registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:
unknown(1): The registration status of the phone is unknown,
registered(2): The phone has successfully registered with the local call manager,
unregistered(3): The phone is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the phone was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
[OIDs:,,,,,]Additional Info:
1) The name of the phone can be + MAC Address,where is SEP for Cisco SCCP and SIP Phones. In the case of other phones such as communicator (soft phone) it can be free-form name,a string which uniquely identifies the phone.
2) Phone Unregistered Reason: The reason code associated with unregistered phone. This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3). Unregistered reason can be one of the following:
deviceSwitch(29) 3) Phone Registration Failure Reason: The reason code associated with registration failed phone.
This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3).
Registration failure reason can be one of the following:
CCM VMD Registration Statusccm.vmd.inventory.statusCCM VMD Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a Voice Messaging Device (VMD) with the local call manager. The VMD status changes from Unknown to Registered when the VMD registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:- unknown(1): The registration status of the VMD is unknown,registered(2): The VMD has successfully registered with the local call manager,unregistered(3): The VMD is no longer registered with the local call manager,rejected(4): Registration request from the VMD was rejected by the local call manager,partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
Cisco Syslog Message Statisticscisco.syslog.message.dropsSyslog Dropped Message CountProvides the number of syslog messages which could not be processed due to lack of system resources. Most likely this will occur at the same time that syslog messages are generated to indicate this lack of resources. Increases in this object's value may serve as an indication that system resource levels should be examined via other mib objects. A message that is dropped will not appear in the history table and no notification will be sent for this message.[OID:]
cisco.syslog.message.ignoresSyslog Ignored Message CountProvides the number of syslog messages which were ignored.[OID:]
cisco.syslog.notifications.sentSyslog Sent Notifications CountProvides the number of notifications that have been sent. This number may include notifications that were prevented from being transmitted due to reasons such as resource limitations and/or non-connectivity. If one is receiving notifications,one can periodically poll this object to determine if any notifications were missed.[OID:]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) Phone Status


Monitors the information of phones currently available with the Call Manager. Apply this template on the Call Manager device. Monitors the status as available with the call manager.[OIDs:,]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CCM Phone Registration Phone Registration StatusProvides the registration status of a phone with the local call manager.
The phone status changes from Unknown to Registered when the phone registers itself with the local CUCM. Possible values are:
unknown(1): The registration status of the phone is unknown,
registered(2): The phone has successfully registered with the local call manager,unregistered(3): The phone is no longer registered with the local call manager,
rejected(4): Registration request from the phone was rejected by the local call manager,
partiallyregistered(5): At least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the local call manager(applicable only to SIP phones).
[OIDs:,,,,,] Additional Info:
1) The name of the phone can be + MAC Address,where is SEP for Cisco SCCP and SIP Phones. In the case of other phones such as communicator (soft phone) it can be free-form name,
a string which uniquely identifies the phone.
2) Phone Unregistered Reason: The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3).
Unregistered reason can be one of the following:- noError(0),unknown(1),noEntryInDatabase(2),databaseConfigurationError(3),
3) Phone Registration Failure Reason:
The reason code associated with registration failed phone. This is applicable only when phone registration status is unregistered(3).
Registration failure reason can be one of the following:

Cisco Unity - G2


This template is applicable on Cisco Unity versions 5.x,7.x and 8.x. Please apply other server level templates (OS/hardware) too on the server. Monitors the Unity server status,ports information and DB replication status. Also monitors the Unity server performance metrics like Memory Utilization,Virtual Memory Usage and statistic metrics like disk queue length,Change notification requests queued in DB,Change notification requests queued in Memory,number of active client connections.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Unity Monitor - SNMPcisco.unity.unity.server.statusUnity Server StatusProvides the current state of the local Unity server. Possible values are 1- stopped: The main Cisco Unity process is stopped,2- starting: The main Cisco Unity process is starting,3- running: The main Cisco Unity process is in normal operational mode,4- stopping: The main Cisco Unity process is shutting down.[OID:]
cisco.unity.ports.totalUnity Server Total PortsProvides the total number of ports on the local Unity server.[OID:]
cisco.unity.totalactive.portsUnity Server Total Active PortsProvides the total number of ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:] Server Total Inbound PortsProvides the total number of ports that are designated to answer incoming calls.[OID:] Server Active Inbound PortsProvides the number of inbound ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:] Server Total Outbound PortsProvides the total number of ports that are designated for outbound calls (includes message notification,MWI dialout and AMIS delivery).[OID:] Server Active Outbound PortsProvides the number of outbound ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:]
Cisco Unity Server - SOAPcisco.unity.mem.utilCisco unity memory utilization%Cisco unity memory utilization
cisco.unity.disk.queue.lengthCisco unity disk queue lengthCisco unity disk queue length
cisco.unity.change.notify.reqs.dbCisco unity change notify requests in dbCisco unity change notify requests in db
cisco.unity.change.notify.reqs.memCisco unity change notify requests queued in memoryCisco unity change notify requests queued in memory unity active client connectionsCisco unity active client connections
cisco.unity.mem.freeCisco unity memory freeKBCisco unity memory free
cisco.unity.replication.stateCisco unity replication stateCisco unity replication state
cisco.unity.virtual.mem.usageCisco unity virtual memory usage%Cisco unity virtual memory usage
cisco.unity.virtual.mem.freeCisco Unity Virtual Memory FreeKBCisco unity virtual memory free
cisco.unity.disk.swap.utilCisco Unity Disk Swap Utilization%Cisco unity disk utilization for swap instance.
cisco.unity.disk.utilCisco unity disk utilization%Cisco unity disk utilization

Cisco Unity - SNMP


SNMP based template to monitor the Unity server status and ports information.


Device should support CISCO-UNITY-MIB OIDs

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco Unity Monitor - SNMPcisco.unity.unity.server.statusUnity Server StatusProvides the current state of the local Unity server. Possible values are 1- stopped: The main Cisco Unity process is stopped,2- starting: The main Cisco Unity process is starting,3- running: The main Cisco Unity process is in normal operational mode,4- stopping: The main Cisco Unity process is shutting down.[OID:]
cisco.unity.ports.totalUnity Server Total PortsProvides the total number of ports on the local Unity server.[OID:]
cisco.unity.totalactive.portsUnity Server Total Active PortsProvides the total number of ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:] Server Total Inbound PortsProvides the total number of ports that are designated to answer incoming calls.[OID:] Server Active Inbound PortsProvides the number of inbound ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:] Server Total Outbound PortsProvides the total number of ports that are designated for outbound calls (includes message notification,MWI dialout and AMIS delivery).[OID:] Server Active Outbound PortsProvides the number of outbound ports that are currently active with calls.[OID:]

Cisco VDC


Monitors the Cisco Virtual Device Context(VDC) status and VDC resource usage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Virtual Device Context(VDC) Resource Usagenexus.vdc.resource.usageVDC Resource Usage%Monitors the utilization of VDC resource.[,].
Virtual Device Context(VDC) statusnexus.vdcNexus VDCCurrent operational state of the virtual device. Possible values are 1=Active,2=Suspended,3=NonConfigured,4=Configured,5=Creating,6=Deleting,7=Failed,8=Pending,9=Updating,10=Restarting,11=Suspending,12=Resuming,13=Failing.[OID:,].

Cisco VPN RAS User Session Statistics


Template to monitor currently active Cisco VPN RAS (Remote Access Service) user session statistics like 1. Session state,2. Session duration (in seconds),3. Incoming Dropped packets,4. Outgoing Dropped packets,5. Traffic in (MB) and 6. Traffic out(MB).[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco VPN RAS User Session Statisticscisco.remote.access.session.packet.drops.inRAS Session Incoming Packet DropsIt represents the total number of packets received for processing on this session which were dropped by the managed entity.[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::]
cisco.remote.access.session.durationRAS Session DurationsIt represents the number of seconds elapsed since this session was established.[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::]
cisco.remote.access.session.stateRAS Session StateIt represents the state of the Cisco VPN RAS(remote access session) user session. The status of a remote access session. initializing(1): the session is in the process of being established. established(2) : the session is established and is ready to carry application traffic. Sessions in this state may also be referred to as 'active' sessions. terminating(3) : the session is in the process of termination.[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::,]
cisco.remote.access.session.traffic.outRAS Session Traffic OutMBIt represents the total number of octets transmitted by this Remote Access Session (RAS).[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::].
cisco.remote.access.session.packet.drops.outRAS Session Outgoing Packet DropsIt represents the total number of outgoing packets on this session which were dropped during transmit processing by the managed entity.[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::]
cisco.remote.access.session.traffic.inRAS Session Traffic InMBIt represents the total number of octets received by this Remote Access Session (RAS).[CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB::]

Cisco VSAN Status - G2


Applicable on the MDS 9000 Family of Cisco switches. Monitors the VSAN status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco VSAN Statusvsan.statusVSAN StatusMonitors the operational state of the VSAN. Indicates whether traffic can pass thru this VSAN. Possible values are 1- up: the VSAN is up,2- down: VSAN is down. No traffic running on the VSAN.[OIDs:,,]

Cisco WLAN Controller - G2


Monitors Cisco Wireless LAN Controller(WLC)’s CPU utilization,memory utilization,temperature,power supplies state,number of connected APs,maximum clients present on WLC; AP profiles(load,interference,coverage,noise) state; AP RRM performance parameters like connected clients count,Load channel utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco WLC BSN AP Profiles Coverage Profile StateIt represents the current state of coverage monitor. This is a total measurement of the client coverage at this Airespace AP. Possible values are 0- Fail : Indicates the Airspace AP is not performing adequately against the coverage profile,1- PASS indicates that this Airespace AP is performing adequately compared to the coverage profile.[OID:] Interference Profile StateMonitors the current state of Interference monitor. This is a total measurement of the interference present at this Airespace AP. Possible values are 0- Fail : Indicates the Airespace AP is not performing adequately against the Interference profile. 1- Pass : Indicates that this Airespace AP is performing adequately compared to the Interference profile.[OID:] Load Profile StateMonitors the current state of the load monitor. This is a total measurement of the business of this Airespace AP. Possible values are 0- Fail : Indicates the Airespace AP is not performing adequately against the LOAD profile,1- Pass: indicates that this Airespace AP is performing adequately compared to the Airespace AP profile.[OID:] Noise Profile StateThis field represents the current state of Noise monitor. This is a total measurement of the noise present at this Airespace AP. Possible values are 0- Fail : Indicates the Airespace AP is not performing adequately against the noise profile,1- Pass: Indicates that this Airespace AP is performing adequately compared to the noise profile.[OID:]
Cisco WLC BSN AP RRM Load Channel Utilization%Monitors the AP channel utilization [OID:] of Clients ConnectedIndicates the number of clients attached to this Airespace AP at the last measurement interval (This comes from APF) [OID:]
Cisco WLC Monitoringcisco.wlc.agent.cpu.utilCPU Utilization%Provides the current CPU load of the switch in percentage.[OID:]
cisco.wlc.agent.memory.utilMemory Utilization%Provides the current memory utilization of the switch in percentage.[OID:,]
cisco.wlc.temperatureWLC TemperatureCProvides the current Internal temperature of the unit in centigrade [OID:]
cisco.wlc.aps.countWLC Connected APs CountSpecifies the count of AP's that are connected with WLC.[OID:]
cisco.wlc.clients.countWLC Maximum ClientsProvides the maximum clients present on the controller.[OID:]
cisco.wlc.powersupply1.operationalstatePower Supply1 Operational StateMonitors if the switch has power supply 1 then it provides its operational state.This is applicable to the 4200 series and will always return true for the earlier device versions. Possible values are 0- false,1- true.[OIDs:,]
cisco.wlc.powersupply2.operationalstatePower Supply 2 Operational StateMonitors if the switch has power supply 2 then it provides its operational state.This is applicable to the 4200 series and will always return true for the earlier device versions. Possible values are 0- false,1- true.[OIDs:,]
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status


Monitors the connectivity status of the Cisco WLAN Controller AP. This template will be supported by VG v2.70 or above [AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB.mib]


Device must support the AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB and VG v2.70 or above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco WLAN Controller AP Statuscisco.wlan.ap.statusAccess Point StatusMonitors the connectivity status of AP to the Cisco WLAN Controller. Possible values are - 1 (Connected) and 2 (Disconnected).[OIDs:,,]

Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status - AP Name as Comp


Monitors the connectivity status of the Cisco WLAN Controller AP [AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB.mib]. For Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status template we are using MAC address as component name,for Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status - v2 template we are using Access Point as component Name.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status - AP Name as Compcisco.wlan.ap.statusAccess Point StatusMonitors the connectivity status of AP to the Cisco WLAN Controller. Possible values are - 1 (Connected) and 2 (Disconnected).[OIDs:,,].

Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status - Manual Selection


Monitors the connectivity status of the Cisco WLAN Controller AP. This template will be supported by VG v2.70 or above [AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB.mib]. NOTE: Need to provide Access Point names while assigning this template.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco WLAN Controller AP Status - Manual Selectioncisco.wlan.ap.statusAccess Point StatusMonitors the connectivity status of AP to the Cisco WLAN Controller. Possible values are - 1 (Connected) and 2 (Disconnected).[OIDs:,,].

Cisco XR-IOS System Performance


Monitors the cisco cpu utilization,uptime and the memory utilization and largest contiguous bytes free of each memory pool except lsmpi_io pool. It only works on 64 bit architecture platforms in order to monitor memory usage.[CISCO-PROCESS-MIB :: cpmCPUTotal5minRev :,OID :,CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB :: cempMemPoolHCUsed -,cempMemPoolHCFree -,cempMemPoolHCLargestFree -].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco CPU Utilization - XR-IOScisco_CpmCPUTotal5minRevCisco CPU Utilization%Monitors the Cisco CPU Utilization.[CISCO-PROCESS-MIB :: cpmCPUTotal5minRev :].
Cisco Memory Utilization - 64 bitcisco.memory.pool.largest.freeLargest Memory FreeKBMonitors the largest contiguous block of memory free.[OID: cempMemPoolHCLargestFree -].
cisco.memory.pool.util.percentMemory Utilization%It monitors the memory utilization of each memory pool except pool type lsmpi_io.[OIDs: cempMemPoolHCUsed -,cempMemPoolHCFree -].
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]



This template contains following monitors: Cisco UC Contact Center Express Cisco UC Standard Monitor Cisco UC Performance Monitor Cisco UC Contact Center Express monitors Cisco Unified Communications Contact Center Express device configuration DB space utilization,repository DB space utilization and Frascal space utilization. Cisco UC Standard Monitor monitors Interface received errors,Interface transmitted errors,DB Replication State,DB Change Notification Requests queued,DB Change Notification Requests queued in memory,Active Client Connections,DB Change Notifications Processed,DB Queue Delay,DB Local DSN Shared Memory used,Ccm DB Space Used,Change Notifications DB Space used,Ccmtemp DB Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,Enterprise Replication DB Space used,ERDbSpace Used. Cisco UC Performance Monitor monitors CPU,Memory,Virtual Memory,Disk,Disk Swap utilization,Memory free,Virtual memory free and disk queue length.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UC Contact Center Expresscisco.uc.conf.db.usedConfiguration DB Space Used%This represents the amount(%) of space used by Unified CCX Configuration Data.
cisco.uc.repository.db.usedRepository DB Space Used%This represents the amount(%) of space used by Unified CCX Repository.
cisco.uc.frascal.usedFrascal Space Used%This represents the amount(%) of space used by Unified CCX Frascal.
Cisco UC Performance Monitorcisco.uc.mem.utilMemory Utilization%Cisco unified communications memory utilization.
cisco.uc.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%Cisco unfied communcations CPU Utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.utilDisk Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.swap.utilDisk Swap Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk swap utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.queue.lengthDisk Queue LengthNULLDisk queue length
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.freeVirtual Memory FreeKBCisco unified communications virtual memory free.
cisco.uc.mem.freeMemory FreeKBCisco unified communications memory free.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.utilVirtual Memory Usage%Cisco unified communications virtual memory usage.
Cisco UC Standard Monitorcisco.uc.interface.tx.errorsTx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.interface.rx.errorsRx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.replication.stateDB Replication StateNULLThis counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queuedDB Change Notification Requests QueuedNULLCisco unified communications express db change notification requests queued.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queued.memDB Change Notification Requests Queued MemoryNULLCisco unified communications db change notification requests queued memory. Client ConnectionsNULLCisco unified communications active client connections. Change Notifications ProcessedNULLThis counter represents the number of change notification messages processed by the server since reboot.
cisco.uc.db.queue.delayDB Queue DelaysThis counter represents the number of seconds that the change notification process has to process messages,but is not processing them. This condition is true if either Change Notification Requests Queued in Database (QueuedRequestsInDB) and Change Notification Requests Queued in Memory (QueuedRequestsInMemory) are set to a value of non-zero or the Latest Change Notification Messages Processed count is not changing.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.usedDB Local DSN Shared Memory UsedNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is used. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccm DbSpace that is being consumed. Notifications DB Space Used%This counter represents the percentage of change notification (CN) DSspace that is being consumed. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccmtemp DbSpace that is being consumed.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.freeDB Local DSN Shared Memory FreeNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is free. Database Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of RootDbSpace that is being consumed. Replication DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of enterprise replication DbSpace that was consumed. UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of ERDbSpace that was consumed.

Cisco-UC-IM and Presence-G2-Latest


This template contains following monitors: Cisco UC IM & Presence Cisco UC Standard Monitor Cisco UC Performance Monitor Cisco UC IM & Presence monitors Cisco Unified Communications IM and Presence device Number of IM sessions,active inbound SIP subscribers,active outbound SIP subscribers,number of connected XMPP count. Cisco UC Standard Monitor monitors Interface received errors,Interface transmitted errors,DB Replication State,DB Change Notification Requests queued,DB Change Notification Requests queued in memory,Active Client Connections,DB Change Notifications Processed,DB Queue Delay,DB Local DSN Shared Memory used,Ccm DB Space Used,Change Notifications DB Space used,Ccmtemp DB Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,Enterprise Replication DB Space used,ERDbSpace Used. Cisco UC Performance Monitor monitors CPU,Memory,Virtual Memory,Disk,Disk Swap utilization,Memory free,Virtual memory free and disk queue length.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UC IM & of IM SessionsNULLThis counter gives the total number of IM sessions on the IM and Presence node across all users.
cisco.uc.sip.activeinbound.countActive Inbound SIP SubscriptionsNULLView the current number of active inbound SIP Subscriptions being maintained by the Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager service on the IM and Presence server.
cisco.uc.sip.activeoutbound.countActive Outbound SIP SubscriptionsNULLView the current number of active outgoing SIP Subscriptions being maintained by the Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager service on the IM and Presence server.
cisco.uc.xmpp.connected.countNumber of Connected XMPP ClientsNULLcurrent number of XMPP clients connected to the Cisco XCP Connection Manager on an individual IM and Presence server.
Cisco UC Performance Monitorcisco.uc.mem.utilMemory Utilization%Cisco unified communications memory utilization.
cisco.uc.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%Cisco unfied communcations CPU Utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.utilDisk Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.swap.utilDisk Swap Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk swap utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.queue.lengthDisk Queue LengthNULLDisk queue length.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.freeVirtual Memory FreeKBCisco unified communications virtual memory free.
cisco.uc.mem.freeMemory FreeKBCisco unified communications memory free.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.utilVirtual Memory Usage%Cisco unified communications virtual memory usage.
Cisco UC Standard Monitorcisco.uc.interface.tx.errorsTx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.interface.rx.errorsRx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.replication.stateDB Replication StateNULLThis counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queuedDB Change Notification Requests QueuedNULLCisco unified communications express db change notification requests queued.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queued.memDB Change Notification Requests Queued MemoryNULLCisco unified communications db change notification requests queued memory. Client ConnectionsNULLCisco unified communications active client connections. Change Notifications ProcessedNULLThis counter represents the number of change notification messages processed by the server since reboot.
cisco.uc.db.queue.delayDB Queue DelaysThis counter represents the number of seconds that the change notification process has to process messages,but is not processing them. This condition is true if either Change Notification Requests Queued in Database (QueuedRequestsInDB) and Change Notification Requests Queued in Memory (QueuedRequestsInMemory) are set to a value of non-zero or the Latest Change Notification Messages Processed count is not changing.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.usedDB Local DSN Shared Memory UsedNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is used. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccm DbSpace that is being consumed. Notifications DB Space Used%This counter represents the percentage of change notification (CN) DSspace that is being consumed. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccmtemp DbSpace that is being consumed.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.freeDB Local DSN Shared Memory FreeNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is free. Database Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of RootDbSpace that is being consumed. Replication DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of enterprise replication DbSpace that was consumed. UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of ERDbSpace that was consumed.



Template can be applied on Cisco Unified Communications Call Manager,Unity,IM & Presence and Contact Center Express. It monitors the services running on UC devices and generates alert whenever service goes down.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UC Services Status Monitor - All Servicescisco.uc.service.statusCisco UC Device Services StatusMonitor the Cisco Unified Communications Device Service Status.



This template contains following monitors: Cisco UC Call Manager Cisco UC Standard Monitor Cisco UC Performance Monitor Cisco UC Call Manager monitors the Cisco Unified Communications Call Manager device H323 calls active,Locations in phone calls,Locations in resources,Locations video out resources,SIP calls active,calls active,PRI channels active,Registered hardware phones,Registered MGCP gateway,Registered other station devices,Eextension mobility request throttles,Call manager total code yellow state,Annunciation out of resource,MOH Out of Resources,HW Conference Out of Resources,MTP Out of Resources,Transcoder Out of Resources,SW Conference Out Of Resources,VCB Out of Resources,Video Out of Resources,Location Out of Resources,Call Manager Heartbeat,Registered Analog Access,Calls in Progress,Average Expected Delay,Code Red Status,Code Yellow Status,TFTP Server Heartbeat,SIP Calls Attempted,SIP Calls Completed,SIP Calls In Progress,SIP Video Calls Active,SIP Video Calls Completed. Cisco UC Standard Monitor monitors Interface received errors,Interface transmitted errors,DB Replication State,DB Change Notification Requests queued,DB Change Notification Requests queued in memory,Active Client Connections,DB Change Notifications Processed,DB Queue Delay,DB Local DSN Shared Memory used,Ccm DB Space Used,Change Notifications DB Space used,Ccmtemp DB Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,Enterprise Replication DB Space used,ERDbSpace Used. Cisco UC Performance Monitor monitors CPU,Memory,Virtual Memory,Disk,Disk Swap utilization,Memory free,Virtual memory free and disk queue length.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UC Call Managercisco.uc.h323.calls.activeH323 Active CallsNULLRepresents the number of streaming connections that are currently active (in use) on the configured H.323 device. In other words,the number of calls that actually have a voice path connected. in Progress CallsNULLThis counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on a particular Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
cisco.uc.locations.out.of.resourcesLocations out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter OutOfResources. The OutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that a call on a particular Cisco Unified Communications Manager through the location failed due to lack of bandwidth. Video out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter VideoOutOfResources. This VideoOutOfResources counter represents the total number of failed video-stream requests (most likely due to lack of bandwidth) in the location where the person who initiated the video conference resides.
cisco.uc.sip.calls.activeSIP Calls ActiveNULLThis counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use) on this SIP device.
cisco.uc.calls.activeCalls ActiveNULLCalls active - This counter represents the number of voice or video streaming connections that are currently in use (active); in other words,the number of calls that actually have a voice path that is connected on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
cisco.uc.pri.channels.activePRI Channels ActiveNULLThis counter represents the number of PRI voice channels that are in an active call on a Cisco Unified CommunicationsManager.
cisco.uc.registered.hardware.phonesRegistered Hardware PhonesNULLThis counter represents the number of Cisco hardware IP phones that are currently registered in the system.
cisco.uc.registered.mgcp.gatewayRegistered MGCP GatewayNULLThis counter represents the number of Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) gateways that are currently registered in the system.
cisco.uc.registered.other.station.devicesRegistered Other Station DevicesNULLThis counter represents the number of station devices other than Cisco hardware IP phones that are currently registered in the system (for example,Cisco IP SoftPhone,CTI port,CTI route point,Cisco voice-mail port).
cisco.uc.extension.mobility.reqs.throttledExtension Mobility Requests ThrottledNULLThis metric computes Delta value for the counter RequestsThrottled. The RequestsThrottled counter represents the total number of Login/Logout Requests that failed due to throttling. Manager Total Code Yellow State EntryThis metric computes Delta value for the counter TotalCodeYellowEntry. This TotalCodeYellowEntry counter indicates the number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager call processing enters the code yellow state. This counter remains cumulative from the start of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager process.
cisco.uc.annunciator.out.of.resourcesAnnunciator Out of ResourcesNULLThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate an annunciator resource from those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none were available.
cisco.uc.hw.conference.out.of.resourcesCall Manager HW Conference Out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter HWConferenceOutOfResources. This HWConferenceOutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a hardware conference resource from those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.uc.moh.out.of.resourcesMOH Out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter MOHOutOfResources. This MOHOutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that the Media Resource Manager attempted to allocate an Music on hold (MOH) resource when all available resources on all MOH servers that are registered with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager were already active.
cisco.uc.mtp.out.of.resourcesCall Manager MTP Out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter MTPOutOfResources. This MTPOutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted but failed to allocate an Cisco Media Termination Point (MTP) resource from one MTP device that is registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
cisco.uc.transcoder.out.of.resourcesTranscoder Out of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter TranscoderOutOfResources. This TranscoderOutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a transcoder resource from a transcoder device that is registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.uc.sw.conference.out.of.resourcesCall Manager SW Conference Out Of ResourcesThis metric computes Delta value for the counter SWConferenceOutOfResources. This SWConferenceOutOfResources counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a software conference resource from those that are registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none were available.
cisco.uc.vcb.out.of.resourcesVCB Out of ResourcesNULLThis counter represents the total number of failed new video conference requests. A conference request can fail because,for example,the configured number of conferences is already in use. Out of ResourcesNULLThis counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempted to allocate a video-streaming resource from one of the video conference bridge devices that is registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager when none was available.
cisco.uc.location.out.of.resourcesLocation Out of ResourcesNULLThis counter represents the total number of times that a call through Locations failed due to the lack of bandwidth. Manager HeartbeatpminIt represents the heartbeat rate of the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server service. We are computing heartbeat rate per minute.
cisco.uc.registered.analog.accessRegistered Analog AccessNULLThis counter represents the number of registered Cisco analog access gateways that are registered with system. The count does not include the number of Cisco analog access ports. in ProgressNULLCalls in-progress - This counter represents the number of voice or video calls that are currently in progress on Cisco Unified Communications Manager,including all active calls. When a phone that is registered with Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) goes off hook,the CallsInProgress progress counter increments. until it goes back on hook. For Cisco Unified IP Phones 7902,7905,7912,7940,and 7960 that register with SIP,the CallsInProgress counter increments when the dial softkey is pressed. For all other phones that are running SIP,the CallsInProgress counter increments when the first digit is pressed. When all voice or video calls that are in progress are connected,the number of CallsInProgress represents the number of CallsActive. The counter decreases by one when a phone goes back on hook.
cisco.uc.avg.expected.delayAverage Expected DelaymsThis counter represents the current average expected delay before any incoming message gets handled. Alert is created based on the threshold values.
cisco.uc.code.redCode Red StatusNULLThis counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has entered or exited a Code red state (call-throttling mode). Valid values include 0 (Exit) and 1 (Entry). CallManager is not able to recover,even after attempting call throttling. The CallManager service is shut down. An alert is created when the system enters the Code Red state.
cisco.uc.code.yellowCode Yellow StatusNULLThis counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has entered or exited a Code Yellow state (call-throttling mode). Valid values include 0 (Exit) and 1 (Entry). CallManager has initiated call throttling due to unacceptably high delay in handling incoming calls. An alert is created when the system enters the Code Yellow state.
cisco.uc.tftp.server.heartbeatTFTP Server HeartbeatpminIt represents the heartbeat rate of the TFTP server. We are computing heartbeat rate per minute.
cisco.uc.sip.calls.attemptedSIP Calls AttemptedNULLThis counter represents the number of calls that have been attempted on this SIP device,including both successful and unsuccessful call attempts.
cisco.uc.sip.calls.inprogressSIP Calls InProgressNULLThis counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on a SIP device,including all active calls. When all calls that are in progress are connected,the number of CallsInProgress equals the number of CallsActive. Video Calls ActiveNULLThis counter represents the number of video calls with streaming video connections that are currently active (in use) on this SIP device.
Cisco UC Performance Monitorcisco.uc.mem.utilMemory Utilization%Cisco unified communications memory utilization
cisco.uc.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%Cisco unfied communcations CPU Utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.utilDisk Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.swap.utilDisk Swap Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk swap utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.queue.lengthDisk Queue LengthNULLDisk queue length
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.freeVirtual Memory FreeKBCisco unified communications virtual memory free.
cisco.uc.mem.freeMemory FreeKBCisco unified communications memory free.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.utilVirtual Memory Usage%Cisco unified communications virtual memory usage
Cisco UC Standard Monitorcisco.uc.interface.tx.errorsTx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.interface.rx.errorsRx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.replication.stateDB Replication StateNULLThis counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queuedDB Change Notification Requests QueuedNULLCisco unified communications express db change notification requests queued.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queued.memDB Change Notification Requests Queued MemoryNULLCisco unified communications db change notification requests queued memory. Client ConnectionsNULLCisco unified communications active client connections Change Notifications ProcessedNULLThis counter represents the number of change notification messages processed by the server since reboot.
cisco.uc.db.queue.delayDB Queue DelaysThis counter represents the number of seconds that the change notification process has to process messages,but is not processing them. This condition is true if either Change Notification Requests Queued in Database (QueuedRequestsInDB) and Change Notification Requests Queued in Memory (QueuedRequestsInMemory) are set to a value of non-zero or the Latest Change Notification Messages Processed count is not changing.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.usedDB Local DSN Shared Memory UsedNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is used. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccm DbSpace that is being consumed. Notifications DB Space Used%This counter represents the percentage of change notification (CN) DSspace that is being consumed. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccmtemp DbSpace that is being consumed.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.freeDB Local DSN Shared Memory FreeNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is free. Database Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of RootDbSpace that is being consumed. Replication DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of enterprise replication DbSpace that was consumed. UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of ERDbSpace that was consumed.



This template contains following monitors: Cisco UC Unity Connection Cisco UC Standard Monitor Cisco UC Performance Monitor Cisco UC Unity Connection monitors Cisco Unified Communications Unity device Disk free chunk,bad mail total,call count current,IMAP errors total,call rules transfer failed,ports in use current,ports idle,ports idle duration average,pager notification failed,outgoing call release transfer failed,phone MWI request failed,phone message notification failed,phone in calls current,phone CFNA calls total,phone CFB calls total,message non delivery receipts total. Cisco UC Standard Monitor monitors Interface received errors,Interface transmitted errors,DB Replication State,DB Change Notification Requests queued,DB Change Notification Requests queued in memory,Active Client Connections,DB Change Notifications Processed,DB Queue Delay,DB Local DSN Shared Memory used,Ccm DB Space Used,Change Notifications DB Space used,Ccmtemp DB Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,DB Local DSN Shared Memory Free,Root Database Space Used,Enterprise Replication DB Space used,ERDbSpace Used. Cisco UC Performance Monitor monitors CPU,Memory,Virtual Memory,Disk,Disk Swap utilization,Memory free,Virtual memory free and disk queue length.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cisco UC Performance Monitorcisco.uc.mem.utilMemory Utilization%Cisco unified communications memory utilization.
cisco.uc.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%Cisco unfied communcations CPU Utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.utilDisk Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.swap.utilDisk Swap Utilization%Cisco unified communications disk swap utilization.
cisco.uc.disk.queue.lengthDisk Queue LengthNULLDisk queue length.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.freeVirtual Memory FreeKBCisco unified communications virtual memory free.
cisco.uc.mem.freeMemory FreeKBCisco unified communications memory free.
cisco.uc.virtual.mem.utilVirtual Memory Usage%Cisco unified communications virtual memory usage.
Cisco UC Standard Monitorcisco.uc.interface.tx.errorsTx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.interface.rx.errorsRx ErrorspminMetrics calculates transmitted errors rate per minute [Rate = (CurrPollValue - PrevPollValue) / (CurrPollTime - PrevPollTime)]
cisco.uc.replication.stateDB Replication StateNULLThis counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides possible values: 0-Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or when the server is defined but realizes the template has not completed. 1-Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 2-Good Replication. 3-Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure. 4-Replication setup did not succeed.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queuedDB Change Notification Requests QueuedNULLCisco unified communications express db change notification requests queued.
cisco.uc.db.change.notification.reqs.queued.memDB Change Notification Requests Queued MemoryNULLCisco unified communications db change notification requests queued memory. Client ConnectionsNULLCisco unified communications active client connections. Change Notifications ProcessedNULLThis counter represents the number of change notification messages processed by the server since reboot.
cisco.uc.db.queue.delayDB Queue DelaysThis counter represents the number of seconds that the change notification process has to process messages,but is not processing them. This condition is true if either Change Notification Requests Queued in Database (QueuedRequestsInDB) and Change Notification Requests Queued in Memory (QueuedRequestsInMemory) are set to a value of non-zero or the Latest Change Notification Messages Processed count is not changing.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.usedDB Local DSN Shared Memory UsedNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is used. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccm DbSpace that is being consumed. Notifications DB Space Used%This counter represents the percentage of change notification (CN) DSspace that is being consumed. DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of Ccmtemp DbSpace that is being consumed.
cisco.uc.shared.memory.freeDB Local DSN Shared Memory FreeNULLThis counter represents the shared memory that is free. Database Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of RootDbSpace that is being consumed. Replication DB Space UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of enterprise replication DbSpace that was consumed. UsedNULLThis counter represents the amount of ERDbSpace that was consumed.
Cisco UC Unity Disk Free ChunkNULLThe amount of free space available[in kilobytes]in the selected data chunk.
cisco.uc.cuc.msg.bad.mail.totalBad Mail TotalNULLThis metirc computes Delta value for the counter Bad Mail Total. The Bad Mail Total counter represents total number of messages sent to the Bad Mail folder since the last restart of the MTA server. Count CurrentNULLThe current number of incoming and outgoing calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server.
cisco.uc.imap.server.errors.totalIMAP Errors TotalNULLThis metirc computes Delta value for the counter Errors Total.The Errors Total counter represents total number of IMAP errors that the IMAP server returned since the last restart of the IMAP server. Delivery Receipts TotalNULLThis metirc computes Delta value for the counter Non-delivery Receipts Total.The Non-delivery Receipts Total counter represents total number of non-delivery receipts since the last restart of the MTA server. Calls CFB TotalNULLThe total number of incoming calls that were received as Call Forward No Answer. Calls CFNA TotalNULLThe total number of incoming calls that were received as Call Forward No Answer. Calls CurrentNULLThe current number of incoming calls. Requests Failed TotalNULLThis metirc computes Delta value for the counter MWI Requests Failed Total. The MWI Requests Failed Total counter represents total number of MWI requests that failed to connect to a destination number or complete MWI operation. Calls Release Transfers FailedNULLThis metric computes Delta value for the counter Outgoing Calls Release Transfers Failed. The Outgoing Calls Release Transfers Failed counter represents number of release transfers from the Cisco Unity Connection server that failed to connect to a destination number. Notifications FailedNULLThis metric computes Delta value for the counter Pager Notifications Failed. The Pager Notifications Failed counter represents total number of pager notifications that failed to connect to a destination number. Idle Duration Average in SecondsNULLThe average time [in seconds]that any port remains idle between incoming calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server. Idle CurrentNULLThe current number of integration ports that are not in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server. In Use CurrentNULLThe current number of integration ports that are in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server. FailedNULLThis metric computes Delta value for the counter Transfer Failed. The Transfer Failed counter represents number of times that Cisco Unity Connection fails to transfer a call to a destination while personal call transfer rules were applied. Transfer failures include all conditions except when the called destination is connected,busy,or RNA or times out. A caller hanging up during a transfer gets considered a transfer failure.